Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

Roo 47

As he nears the end of his term

as International President, Chris Peterson, (Florida, Alpha Eta ‘91) reflects on his time at the helm of Pi Kappa Alpha. Te Shie & Dio spoke with Brother Peterson about the meaning behind the last two years as international president. S&D: Chris, you are the 54th man to assume the oce of international president. A top priority for you during your term has been growth. Why should Pi Kappa Alpha prioritize growth now more than ever? Growth should always be a priority for us, but there are some factors that do make now a unique time. The decline of the number of young men entering college now and through the next several years has created a major threat for fraternities but has also presented a great opportunity. The threat is obvious — as the number of men in college decreases, the number of those joining fraternities will naturally decrease. The opportunities — like many opportunities in life — aren’t obvious. The rst opportunity that we have is to provide unique value to our members that they may not receive from

The Man Behind the Movement A Conversation with the 54th International President of Pi Kappa Alpha Chris Peterson (Florida, Alpha Eta ‘91).




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