Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024


Peabody Hotel in Memphis, TN, for the Chapter Executives Conference on January 4-6, 2024. Additionally, nine chapters earned an complimentary hotel stay at the Omni Hotel in Oklahoma City for the Interna- tional Convention scheduled for August 8-11, 2024. This translates to nearly $20,000 in saved hotel expenses for our undergradu- ates, thanks to PIKE Now and the donors who believe in the value our tailored leadership program brings to our undergraduates and their chapters!

fostering in-person brother- hood experiences. Given the typical registration fee of $160 for participation in our esteemed PIKE University conferences, the utilization of PIKE Now dollars have facili- tated the attendance of over 1,100 students this year. This program is designed to provide members with valuable skills, knowledge, and experiences to enhance their personal and professional growth. PIKE Uni- versity encompasses a variety of conferences, workshops, and events, all tailored to address different aspects of leadership, brotherhood, and personal development. PIKE Now further enhances accessibility to PIKE University by offering the opportunity to secure complimentary lodging at two major events. Twenty chapters earned a valuable three-night stay at the historic

Established in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, PIKE Now funded solutions for our undergraduates

PIKE Now Results for 2023 1,054 Total number of participating donors 69 Number of new participating donors $63,246 Top amount raised by both (Delta Thetra (Arkansas State) and Alpha Omega (Kansas State) $184,527 PIKE University Scholarships $155,420 Chapter Based Endowments $170,480 Fraternity Programming

To learn more about the tremendous impact of this program, visit www.

as it navigated through the challenges brought on by the global health crisis. Originally conceived as a response to the immediate needs and uncertainties of the times, it has since evolved into a program that addresses endur- ing issues and provides an immediate impact now, when it’s needed most. This campaign empowers our chapters, fostering collabo- ration and PiKA community engagement, to give our under- graduates every advantage for their fraternal experience. The results have been remarkable, showing the exceptional dedi- cation of our alumni, students, and friends of the Fraternity. As the biggest giving event of the year, PIKE Now embraces the spirit of brotherly com- petition. Every September, chapters utilize their team fundraising page to rise to the top of the competition. Alumni and undergraduates also use personal fundraising pages that earn their team points. 50% of every dollar raised goes towards helping an indi- vidual’s chapter attend PIKE University events. REAL BENEFITS FOR TODAY’S UNDERGRADUATES — NOW Reducing nancial barriers is crucial for enhancing our students’ access to PIKE University programming and




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