Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024


Battles Won & Battles

Te itoricl Society i alw ooki or aton to our colection — item o hitoicl i fic nce to the F aterit , are art cts,

an othe item to fil te ap i our recore isto . Sometime we can c- qu e thoe item with ease; othe time we mi te opotu ty. At the oas C. Ti Leaehi Acde i 2023, the itoicl Society was ome tat n 1894 F aterit bae was  o acton o ea . Te un ow see was ei g te €a‚ge o $5,000. Afte conve aton with te el- er a ‚isco amot the itoicl Society, it was eterie‚ that thi tem siƒy coul ot be ucase outr„t at that time. With 24 hou , the ae was „oe, so to an † own u e. Six ots ater at the ‡av an ˆa cy ‰e i Chate EŠecutves Conee ce, El ‹reee (WoŒor, ˆu ’21) uneŽƒected ifte te ‘isto icl Society te €a‚ge of Cae F. Shea‚ (WoŒor, ˆu ‘64). B ote Shea‚ ad given te €a‚ge to Nu Chate ‚ur a Hoecomi tal„ te in 2022 an e”- pae‚ that he a o so o g a‚so who were in •i –˜p ™la n wante to git the item to the chate. šrot- er ›ee e an te Chate œreie t Calw y ›. Votta (WoŒor, ˆu ‘20) dice‚ the „it an ecide to p ovide it to the itoicl Society ue to thei in žt to diƒa or otect the ae p oƒel. Whie we st ive to p otect or ocure ever at ct we can, we are ofte it- ed pace, finac l u‚e s, or iŸ˜l not bei awre that the art ct is v žl- abe. Te itoricl Society ecour„e invd¡a to conie thei ca˜ter or te itor o teir  t¢ct beoe sei g, „ivn„ awy, or etoyi F aterit isto . ReeŸ£e: it take a eŒort on ever €othe ’s at to p eeve an p otect our itoy. If you have questions or would like the Historical Society to consider your donation, send an email to Financial donations or planned estate gifts are another great way to help us keep our history alive! Contact the Historical Society at (901) 538-6754 to learn more.

Lost The Battle of the Badges

By Joshua Ronk (Virginia Commonwealth, Lambda Chi ‘10)

A 1894 Faterit bae was  fo acton on ea. he unow see was eig the a e fo $5,000. With  24 hou , the bae was goe, so to an own bue.




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