Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024


By Larry W. Lunsford (Tennessee, Zeta ’71) with collaboration from Isaac Sires (Oklahoma, Beta Omicron ‘19) I

n i p la’s 156-yea itor, the aterit as ejoe as wel a en ue var o s te s. a  were mee ocil a of a ptcla ea.

into ever town o ow† event certa n gave the aterit a d t ctive sta‹. ›he po‰ˆe™s were obvio‘s: inj‘e , wrec , inoi†te exe e. As te eas wore on, the Faterit’s att t de on te truc canše foƒ ap upot to gu †g acceptace an fi aˆl to diroval.” Botes o Sig‹ Chate (Vanderbilt) were eat‘re o teir fie truc o te cover of te œach 1959 Shield and Diamond . An art cle in tat s e žbout Zeta Chate’s (Tennessee) fire truc ea, “What s  fire truc ? No, it s ot an ‹ˆe™ent o exti‘hŸ fies a ƒa†y u —ome eole woul ave you beieve. Intead, it’s a souce of u . It’s a pe o†al t with a temea™ent com‹o o†l to it. To Œe ue, thi ƒetal c ma u†deoe a tra —omat on we a gou o— faterit ™en uc a the i¡e at the ‘HiŽ’ in ‡ o¢vile Ža thei a†d uo† it.”

Noe, however, a ad  loe lat  eect, bot oit ve an eat ve, tha te fire truc . Pat Inte at on itori   Inte at on €eidet ‚. Jeoƒe „eel . (Tulane, Eta and Southern Mississippi, Delta Mu ‘57) , sa t bet in te 2011 edit on o te Faterit’s i toy, The Oak : “Fa i† Pi ‡ Ala chate ˆife came an went, but po‰aŠl noe was ‹oe opu, ˆes e†siŒŽe or ‹oe daeous ta te fire truc ae.” “B 1959,” he conti‘e, “the Shield and Diamond cale te fa  secil ‘raŽ oun ’ to kee €i –p la —ro‹ ‰ei†g just anote —raterit. ˜ick  u dates o™ the ooity ou e, cal  —or u ees at the o™itorie, an e teinš te wago

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Larry Lunsford (Tennessee, Zeta ’71) has served Pi Kappa Alpha in several capacities, including chapter consultant, resident counselor, chapter advisor, North Atlantic Regional President, and Supreme Council Vice President. He retired as vice president for student affairs in 2019 at Florida International University. He received the Fraternity’s Loyalty Award in 2003. He is the author of two novels.




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