Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

WHEN DID IT BEGIN? Te anwe i fu o mtie n a bt of contover. At leat five chate cla to have bee t e firt to acq e a fire truc . eearc o an eas o Shield and Diamonds ma ave fina sove te quetion.  e opu t of the fire truc a  chate “macot” is hi ihte i oze  o stoie a€d pictre i te Fater it’s a‚ƒ ne, incu€g two cover atcle — Ju e 1950 an „ach 1959. Over 70 chate ub tted evera hu e artcle a ictre o pu ct†on i t e ag‡ e ro 1950 thou‚ the 1960s. Chate enjoe ba‚€g a ot thei fie truc  a€d te be efits te ar ee on cam €d in te com u t. Davd ˆi‰tt Gamma Eta (Los Angeles, CA), athoe a sto or the Šac 1959 Shield and Diamond encour  ever c ater to own “a fine ol wel-ket fire eni e as  meto o ma   ‹i K‰ Œl a sta  out foŽ al othe ater ites on cam.” It was ot lo ‚ ater that, that the aon took o an gew quck. Five chate, Deta Deta (Florida Southern) , Ga Ž ‘• (New Hampshire) , Deta P (San Jose State) , Ga Ž –t˜ (Los Angeles, CA) , an ™eta (Tennessee) beieve the tated te fire truc trat on. šowever, eeach  ow that anote capte, ›eta (Stewart Cole‚e in Caœsvie, Tž, ow Roe Cole‚e in ŠeŽhi), ma ave owne t e firt fire truc Ÿut di ’t necesay tat the trat on. In  J• e 1971 artcle in te Shield and Diamond , Deta G Ž Chate (Miami University) pee€ted oi‚€l reeac the conucted i to the itoy of te fire eni e trat on.  e wrote, “Severa t eoies ae floatn aŸot s to the e‚i€n ‚ o the ¢i £p Œl a fire eni e trat on.” Te epote tat “apo¤imtel o e-thi o the chate acro te naton own fie eni e. Ti pactce was e‚u€ n 1909 whe t e Teta Chate at Stewart Cole‚e in Cla¥vile, Tž fit puc aed a truc o thei oue.” In  ¦§g§t 2018 letter aese to the ¢I£¨  stoi , ©elta Deta (Florida Southern) al • Car ª. Sanœy ‘50 wrote, “Whie atteni  thee 1948- 1952, I sw n ˜ticle in  ometown new‰aer i ¬c †a, Fˆ t at the a retire t e ole o thei two fire truc , a 1917 La®€ce truc . I went to Arc ˜ ˜n

contacted te fire chie conce i€g te etire tucœ. It was put n  c†ty ot to rut awy. At the ne¯t City Counc Žeetin, I ttene an aœe abot thei ‰roval to se it to me. Te were curo•s ˜ to what I nte e to use it fo.” Bot e Sanœy i ome t e City Counc Žebe tat he wante it fo hi ater it to dive aro  cam fo t e €ovelt. ›e so it to hi o an un eievbe $15 an ‚ave a temoay tag to hi to get it bac to cam € La ea€d.  at was Octobe 1949. Deta Deta Chate €oted i  J• e 1950 Shield and Diamond artcle thei inte t to dive thei fie truc to the naton conve tion i Cinc t†. “Te ol-time cole‚e °oy, even with tei swaowin o olfi, raccoon coats, an ukeee, never a €yti  that fire u‰ fater it pit n Ÿougt ‰u°lc ty i¥e the ±eta Deta ‘Cri o€ Chaot.’” In  J• e 1952 Shield and Diamond artcle ea€ed, “Ga Ž –t˜ Mo te Gu‰ ²as,” the chate epote tat it puc aed a 1912 Ameicn ˆa³€ce fire truc (puc aed a yea eare) an trae its 1923 Ahe -Fo¯ fie eni e or the “Mo te.” Tat docume t ²am  Et’s ownei of a fire truc a 1951. In  Mc 1959 Shield and Diamond su Žs o , ´am –t˜ Chate wote,

The research for this article is based on a careful examination of the Shield and Diamond archive and International Office records. There are many other stories and anecdotes about chapter fire trucks. Please send corrections or additions to




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