2015 Lambda Epsilon, (Alberta)
2019 Delta Upsilon (Stetson) , took the 1946 Mack fire truck to a car show
FIRE TRUCKS AND RECRUITMENT Alpha Xi (Cincinnati) gained publicity in 1963 when they proclaimed former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill an honorary pledge and posted a picture of him wearing a pledge pin. He was sent a stock certicate granting him ownership and allowing him to drive the 1920 Stutz re engine and “ash the red lights and sound the siren.” They did not indicate if a
Chate (Chattanooga) . Tei ame 1929 Ameicn ace fire enie was take to a local acetrac thee bot es wee it won fir t ace in te ant e div so ace. Its eatest cometit on was Pc of te ae vinte. Te imee pouty a upot of te fire truc ean to unvel a ccdet, inje, an awts oute. Te at on aterit sta, oicer , an Supee Counc ea ze t at the itton a to be adese. In Mc 1, 1962 letter o Execut ve Diector Er Watk to Roet y, ore Execut ve Diector a at on itor, Watk wrote, “With t e ast thee week we have ha the u cty out t Me i State re eig to the fire enie as ‘nat on mo’; a letter o a sei n ea theateni to take act on at our ot Tea State chate ule tey ae
pot paet fo t ei fire enie, an ow a letter o our eient coun eo at F oi State reotig a ccdet invo vi thei fie enie an u g u to sto a n u te fire enie.” An tcle in te ocal a s ee new aer sa t at diver a to the it es fie truc whi e two mees were u g it fte ak. One ee su tne a comou ractre of i eft e, whi e the othe eceived a boe ri t eg. e esiet coun eo cited i easo to dow a the use of fie enie: 1. Potentil of acc det ike the one at F oi State. 2. Po i tve in ce cost. 3. Teedou ma teace cost. 4. Mi e of te fire truc a anoace to the cam. 5. Ba eutton i geater ta te moae it bu . 6. Vantion of te truc. Te wor t fire truc ic ent came with te
response was received from Churchill.
Beta Gamma (Kansas) The Mother’s Club presented the chapter with a 1937 Ford fire engine. It was a combination chemical, tank, ladder, and hose truck. The brothers drove it in a rainstorm to Manhattan, KS for the annual Kansas- Kansas State football game. Beta Omicron (Oklahoma) Purchased a 1937 Ford 65-foot aerial fire truck. It appeared as an attraction at a local amusement park, Frontier City. The chapter used it for their Pi Party, a campus-wide dance co-sponsored by PIKE.
Delta Kappa (San Diego, CA) The alumni purchased a 1924 Seagrave fire engine for the chapter. It pumped 100 gallons of water per minute and transported 50 coeds! The garnet and gold fire truck was the highlight of the annual alumni picnic. Epsilon Kappa (Lamar) The 1916 American LaFrance fire truck was introduced at the pledge acceptance party. Two years later, during National Fire Prevention Week, the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce used the truck to promote its activities. A
1961 Beta Sigma (Carnegie Mellon) Called their 1927 American LaFrance fire engine their “Public Relations Wagon.” It was used at home football games, community events, and to transport orphans to the circus. The engine was restored in 2021. Delta Beta (Bowling Green, OH) Purchased an American LaFrance fire truck from the Tiffin, OH Fire Department. The truck was used for Home- coming, pep rallies, and other social events.
color picture of brothers on the truck appeared in the local newspaper. Gamma Mu (New Hampshire) Replaced their American LaFrance fire truck for a 1917 Ahrens-Fox truck, which they attempted to drive to the District Convention at Syracuse University. They covered 88 of the 90 miles when the truck blew a bearing cap and put a gaping hole in the oil pan, twisted a three-inch wide connecting rod into a corkscrew, and broke a section of a piston.
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