Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

2023 Alpha Kappa Chapter (Missouri S&T) acquired a fire truck in 2022 to support upcoming philanthropic events.

soetig tat l cater ee to be ae awre of.” Reodi to an vdu seig a fire truc i 1975, Ori wrote, “We, the aton  aterit, canot in  way oso, enoe, finace, or othewi e ubcze the ucase an/or te use of fie truc or our cates. e ibt, soe of wic we have alea exeieced, is just too geat. We do not kow how the traton tate, but the aton  aterit ust divorce itse ro avn atin to do with te e fire truc .” In 1981, the €aterit eare that ‚leƒae an Ae„ane In  ce of St. Lous a tat the† woul ouce a mo-doa li‡t poic or fie truc . At its ˆa y 30, 1982, meetin , the Supe‰e Counc eviewed te po iŠlt† o oŠtan fie truc in  ce an ase a motion diectin Ois to pu e pooal fo fie truc i  nce. Ori pe eted oosa o fire truc in  ce an uelie at the Counc’s e‹t eetin o Œune 25. SubeŽuetl†, chate obtane li‡t in  ce, but t di’t lat og. In  Novem‡e 18, 1985,

fire truc .” He ware tat t woul –e ilea fo chate to opeate thei fie truc without poe in  ce. Fie truc ae sti with ši ›p œla, altou efinitel† ot as a as ug te craže peio, an ae ow mae in ivere way to opeate le ay. Te imct ha –ecome oe reated to comut sevice event uc as te Fie ‘uck šu an te Ÿirea’s Caege.

meoad  title “Canceaton—Fie ‘uck Li‡t In  ce,” to chate reiets, Ori wrote, “Beca se of ific nt cla ad iceaed exo ue, we have received otice fo‰ our ba•et li‡t in  ce care tat the covera e wil –e cancee e˜ective Novem‡e 25, 1985. Ti covera e ovide –oil† ij y a roet dae covera e o the opeaton o™ cater

1962 Gamma Tau (Rensselaer)

Gamma Eta (Los Angeles, CA),

1962 Alpha Lambda (Georgetown) National President David Powers was an honored passenger as the chapter’s fire truck paraded through the streets of Lexington during the PIKE Founders Day celebration. Delta Eta (Delaware) After spending the summer scraping and painting, the chapter boasted a garnet and gold 1930 Chevrolet fire truck. It became the talk of campus and the cheerleaders’ favorite mode of transportation. The brothers

drove it to College Park, MD for a visit to Delta Psi chapter. Epsilon Epsilon (To- ledo) Advertised in the Shield and Diamond to sell their 1928 GMC fire engine.

Their 1921 Seagrave fire engine was a victim of a flash fire and had to be completely rewired and readied for the annual Fire Engine Party. The truck transported 75 Pikes, dates, and friends from the USC-Iowa home football game. Gamma Upsilon (Tulsa) Acquired a 1928 Seagrave fire truck the previous year. The “red monster” was accepted by the university community and used in various campus functions.

1966 Epsilon Iota Chapter (Southeast Missouri State) riding through the 1966 St. Louis Convention




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