Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

2023 FAU, Lambda Beta, Tug of war

firefite gea, an, of coure, a fire truc ake outse. Te iema’s Caege or a pitho ak to su otin a local fie e art e t as ecome oy ou with Pi   l a. In te al o 2023, Teta Teta (Tea &M) rae over $36,000 fo ot thei ocal fie e art e t an oorit pithoie. T ou h a week o actv€t‚es, incƒu g a kical, ow epu„ footbaƒ, an a Pe v. Fiefi ter sotal a†e, the e o‡ Teta Teta hve em aced te Fie†a’s Caege as tei ˆra o cam ‰ d i te com u t. La Ša Beta Cha te at Fƒo iŠ ‹tlŒtic ha o mae the Ži e‘an’s Caege a t of tei capte cult‰e. Tei calƒe e incƒu e severaƒ eay aces a ame, lie a t‰g o war, that get the “ ee” an cam ‰ com u t invoƒve . Over $25,000 was aeŠ over tei tree-da event in te al o 2023. Alƒ oceed eefited te Boca Rton Ži e •epat†et. Fo† fie truc ul to obtacle coure wear ear, Pie ave em aced te abƒ€t to give bac to thee firt reode i  –n‚—ue n u way. What state ‡ro a dei e fo a oˆject that woul a “PI™” ha ecome a core a t of the Ž aterit e›peie ce to ma ‘ode -da œi”es.

1994 Alpha Nu (Missouri)

1987 Alpha Nu (Missouri)

2017 Theta Xi (Texas A&M-Commerce)

Alpha Nu Chapter’s 1948 Seagrave fire engine is shown in 1987. It was acquired in 1974 and the chapter immediately began the process of restoring it. 1998 Beta Zeta (Southern Methodist) They owned a 1956 Seagrave fire truck which they parked in the end zone at home football games.

The chapter supports the

Commerce Fire Department and they bring their fire engine out to PIKE Fireman’s Ball Week. a long- standing annual tradition for the chapter.

1998 Theta Gamma (Georgia College & State)

2017 Theta Xi, Texas A&M, Commerce




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