Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024


production team for Florida Southern athletics. “My passion for videography began when I studied abroad during my junior year. I taught myself to use my family’s Nikon camera and made a recap video of our travels throughout the year. After sending this to my classmates, it got the attention of a student who worked within the college’s athletic media department. I was provided the opportunity to film a playoff baseball game which was the beginning of my journey in this field.” After filming that first game, Brandon was asked to officially join the video team. What started as a hobby became the beginning of the rest of his life. While balancing personal responsibilities and educational duties, Brandon still managed to put in the effort to develop his skills within the videography and media field, eventually competing with many of the larger collegiate sports media teams in the country. He soon learned that this was much more than a hobby, it was an obsession. A true chance to turn it into something more. Yet, this was not the only

FLORIDA SOUTHERN, DELTA DELTA Full Swing From Fraternity to Founder

team Brandon would find himself leading at Florida Southern. After entering college, Brandon showed an initial

interest in joining Greek Life as he received a positive influence from family members who had a memorable Greek experience during their collegiate journey. As Brandon progressed through recruitment and reviewed the bids extended to him, there was only one that caught his eye: Pi Kappa Alpha. After joining, Brandon immediately became involved in chapter operations, leadership roles and PIKE University events to network and share ideas with other chapter leaders from surrounding chapters.


randon Giczewski (Florida Southern, Delta Delta ‘15) makes stories come to life. His company, Carvd Studios, is a full-service creative video agency that has opened doors for him to collaborate with some of the biggest names in sports. With an original interest in being the athlete on the

other side of the camera, a young Brandon began searching for schools where he could have the opportunity to play at the collegiate level. He attended Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, where he played on the college’s baseball team for two years. After Brandon concluded his time as an active player with the team, he remained involved with the college’s athletics off the field, serving on a student-led video




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