Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

Brothers In Action

“Ti lowed e to ga te pactcl owede of ow to be succesu not on i  cha te but n  ro e ion ie fo leae to how to car oure in  foa meetin.” T ouh tee ex e ieces an te ew conection ae with te raterit, rao got the op o tuty to seve as a mee of te Inteaton Faterit’s ta. Foowin hi a t on, e conti e hi vovemet with €i ‚ p Al a, becomi a cha te conutt. “Becomi a cha te conutt put me above the com etiton i te ro e ion wor. I cn ot saƒ eouh geat thi abo t mƒ conutt ex e iece.” As i time as  conutt ene, the COVID-19 pae„ic was eway. i revio s poe sio la took a t r with te uncetantƒ tat was fet thou†out the wor. Foce to ad t an ecide if hi caree woul o on a e or conti e, hi eterit‡on a enteˆeeur  it took te lea. ‰†e fout‡on was Šut fo wat woul ecome the et of i caree, an Carv Studo was Šo . “Whie COVID-19 aected ma aes o ie, ma com ae neee video a hƒ astce moe tha ever.” Carv, a stat-up video poucton aec, deiver ih qu‡t contet o a dvere set of com ae . To estaŠ h a sto eputt‡on ear, rao bea earci or ojects with a vr‡ety o com ae an i trie. ‹i firt ˆoject was with Žoid ‘• Coast Univerit. rao went

fae an oo became a sto poit of itetion with i fut re ojects. Hi teest in ˆots video a hƒ e to the creaton of Cutle ˜im, a s Š‡ arƒ o Carv Studo, whic oˆeates heavlƒ i t†e poe sio ol in ty. Since the creaton o Cutle ˜im, ™ado a bee given te op o tuty to travel the wor, „eet soe of i favorite poe sio ol e , an t uy u e hi ˆa so. “My advice to others in this creative field is to always grow in a niche first.” Whe aše abo t hi ˆa t ex e ieces, › ado ietifies one ˆecific event as te ˆoject he is ot rou o: the œe Cup  žo„e, Itlƒ. ™ado was eected a oe of

ca gt the i†t eye a networ wic† le e to get on te ˆoject. It was t thi moet that Ÿ kew I ws ‡ te rit in ty, an I ws tu doi wel.” Du the œe Cup, Bao was Še to meet, travel with, an fi„ ome of te bie t nae i poe sio go. ¡he ats ct on o„ bei a pt of uc a ncei¢le team  rouce contet that diectlƒ i cted a in te United States a  le im ct on i outloo o t†e event. Since the œe Cup, Bao ha conti e to pu e hi teest in ˆots coverae whie wori with a dvere ˆotfoio of othe in ties a wel, tru howin the un£•e capŠ‡ ties o hi talet. “Mƒ avce to othe i thi creatve fiel i to alwƒ row in a nce firt. Mie was ˆots. As I gew with ti n•ty, I g‡e t†e notoriety to wor with com ae in othe i trie a wel.” Reflectin o †is joure ad aŠ ce of ucces, ™ado ackowege te pivotal oe ¥IK¦ pae in a n hi cacter an caree. “I woul

BOULDER, BETA UPSILON And the Emmy Goes To Jason Berger (Colorado, Beta Upsilon ‘99) took home an Emmy

fou ‡v du to seve in te video de a t„ent o one of te aget tourets i the wor o go. “Everƒoe wante to be a pat of ti. Mƒ ˆa t wor

Award for his work on “Tab Time with Tabitha Brown.” Berger is the founder and CEO of his production company, Kids at Play.

di¨  fƒ te conutt roe. It wil teach ƒou the §il tat mae ou sta out fo t†e com etiton i  in ty.” As › ado conti e to pu ¢oun ‡e an ucceed with i n•ty, i torƒ seve a n ‡ it‡on to go out n acheve what mit fee i o siŠe. “If ƒou wor ad eou† at anƒtig i ie, you wl acheve you oas. › ot lit‡n youef, ea‡n iven a staƒ ocuse, ou cn o whatever ƒou p t you id to.”

not be whee I m ow if t was ot fo mƒ ca ter conutt ex e iece. It s te one thi I lwƒ loo acš on

on to com ete pojects with a dvere ˆotfoio

an a o ga Ÿ took advte of te op o tuty. If you re oo§ig to get into the creatve in ty, o ot

of ciet rag fo euct‡on– intit t‡on to local

reat aencies. —oug it l, hi ˆa so a at r –ity fo  ots video a hƒ i not

Learn more about Carvd and Cutline @carvdstudios @cutlinefilms




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