Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

PIS: Brothers In Action

True Pike Initiates 3,000th Brother; Alpha Eta Dedicates an Education Center in his Honor


he oaty Awr “is eente to an al fo i lotie deicton an evotion to Pi

Faterit Eƒdowet ¡un Tu€tee, Convetion attenee contios ince 1978, esta he a eƒdowed leaehi €cola€i› in 1983, curety i te Ju o ¡oune Society ‡o cumt•ve li‡etime iv n evel, meŸe of t e ¢ouƒdton’s Oak £ut Society, ‡ou‘ ƒg meŸe of ot te Ala Et l¤i †sociton an te ‚am ¥ ¦lu Asociton, oƒora in tt•on team eže of t e Zeta S g ¦lu sociton an Centa Vir  ¦lu Asociton, SMC of o e/ hooay i tt•on team ‡o eig t convetion, in tt•on/ intaton team ‡o 11 chate, SMC of i tt•on team t si §ea‘eri› Acdeie€, uest ‡acltŽ meŸe of ‹I¨ Univerit, in tl ca€ of A© ªeats i 2014, an te Inteat on Faterit’s oaty Awr recip et in 2023. I met “A. Fa„” as e is kow, at mŽ fit Univerit of oid oe ˆootba ame as  fe€ma e‘ge in t e Fa oˆ 1981. I now kow that he was  i 30s, ut bac« the e was  “ol” al to mŽ 18-yea-ol €ef. At mŽ in tt•on, I sw not e ide of aƒk a wen  ‘ad paced i€ ›in o e, it was oe of t o€e omet€ tat ¬ wl chei€ to the en o˜ y a. T i€ ›ast ‡a, I ws eent fo te in tt•on o‡ A›ha Et’s œacy ®a¯s ‘23, the 3,000th oter i tted  Fa„, an aoter oeƒt to chei€ ˆorever. “Gowin up  °ap n Šƒowin A. Fa„ Smit toug  ole bote Eth (Ala t ’20), I m ooed to be choe fo ti hitoic mie€toƒe — I wil o y e€t to up o‘ thi ince ižle eac ,” Zac  a d foowin i nt•at on.

Ka  la.” T e recip et is eected  te Faterit’s Supee Counc  an a bee eente to one al nuy ice 1969. Amot the it of the aterit eceiv n ti awr over t e eas ae 1978 — Vir  . Mcoo (Il o, Beta t ’25); 2007 — To Tue (Te a€ ‚ech, Ep oƒ Ga ’67); an 2016 — Edw A. Peae (In , Deta X ’71). A Fa„ Smit was pe€eƒted t e Inteat on Faterit’s oaty Awr du  the ue

2023 T oa C. Ti Leaehi †cde in ecogit on o‡ over 55 yea€ oˆ deicted sevice to PI‰. “I cnot thiŠ oˆ a moe o al ‹iŠe. A. Fa„ Smit i€ te defiit on o‡ o altŽ.

BeŽo‘ the comiteƒt to each oter, e a nt•ated 1% of a –ike, ˜o al chate, sice the ‡ou‘ ƒg in 1868 at the Univerit oˆ Vir ! I ws ooed to pe€eƒt the oaty Awr to hi ti pat €ume,” sa  Inteat on ™eidet Chi€ Petero ‘91. Fa„ Smit was t•ated into Ala t Chate oƒ Octobe 9, 1966, bŽ O.H. Eton ‘62, beiƒ ƒg evice to Pi Ka  la that woul €›aƒ potion o˜ even ecade. He a€ erve a€ capte adv o to Foi‘’s A a Et n Uiverit oˆ South Foi‘’s œeta P Chate’s houe coroat on eže, al dvio žoar meŸe, Suniƒe Reio Pe€i‘ent, Inteat on

FLORIDA, ALPHA ETA Loat Defi e: A. Fa Smit, ecipet

of i p la’s 2023 Loat Awr

By Ernie Cox (Florida, Alpha Eta ‘81)




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