Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

PIS: Brothers In Action

Leos Fo CEC By Joshua Ronk (Virginia Commonwealth, Lambda Chi ‘10)

SOUTHWESTERN, ALPHA OMICRON Mr. Chairman Thomas Gleeson (Southwestern, Alpha Omicron ‘99) was appointed Chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) by Gov. Greg Abbott. He previously served as the Executive Director of the PUCT, a position he held since December 2020.

One of te une opotutes itoy aor u s te abt to reive stoie o the at an e p u e the ut re.

I tel ti sto to sea¢ of two leos. £e firt is o –otheoo•. In ts mot –ac n Šot piŠ foŠ, it s te –od of aŠ y. žo u, it s te ties o fie•si tat li¢ u to a

Whie we ofte ean tee eso on our own, oe too ofte ae we aore te opotuty to witne thee opotutes a out fo othe. I ws, owever, ated uc an ootunt at the av n Nac eni Capte Eecutves Con eece thi a r i emi. Whie otin uets o the con eece at Me€oi Hea‚ ter, I h te ƒlea e of meetin „i Doa (Apc†an State, Iot Pi ’23). Afte oo‡in thou  the Iot Pi Chate Notebooˆ, e asˆe i he coul ee the ‰eta G€Š Chate ‹otebooˆ to checˆ Œo pict re oŒ is ad ate, HeŠa W. Mat (Ka, Beta Ga€Š ’60) whe e was  uneŽra te at the Univerit of ‘a. To “ot our i , the chate ad o u”mtted otos a no chate comoites. I wtche with iƒpoitŠet as e o•de hi ea•, sa tak ou, n –eŽan to hea towar te bue to retur to the —ea–o•y ˜otel. Be oe e got to the oo, I tol hi€ to wat – I h oe ast ide. We reture to the Chate ‹otebooˆ an eviewed te chate’s a  hito ub€on o te acde€ic yea oŒ šal 1959 to SpiŽ 1960. Tee — rou  y tee qute of the way ow te pa e — were the foowin etence: “On že–ur 20, 1960, nie of tee en were intŸted ito the “o•s. HeŠa Mat was elected oo intŸte on te –as of co ariƒ, fateram, an actvt†es.” Bote Doa was ecstatc n took ict re oŒ te reot to se to hi Œa l a• chate ”rote.

set of val e that li¢ u in  f€†i see to one

anote. Our ties, liˆe Œa l, are o li e. Our o“iŽton mut –e ‡ept at the oerot of our €i•s alw. šrie hi mea ittle whe it s conveiet. Botehoo, thu, is o ife. Te econ leo is o te imotace of hito, car or its tene oots, an uƒpotiŽ its owth thou out the iŒe

ADRIAN, ZETA LAMBDA 10 Years of Zeta Lambda Te –othe o Zeta La€–•a Chate (Ad) gatee• to cele“ate ten ea of bei eesta“he o cam . ¥o ma¢ tis mo€etous occaso, the chate oste a ba‚ et to Ad ©ike an Œien to gate, sae torie, an lea ore abo t the chate’s itoy.

of a chate. ¥he €oŠet Bote Doa e¦peiece• in te i”r o our eŠoil ˜ea § rte woul never ave occure ad t not bee fo te •il ece of te –othe o Beta G€Š †n 1960. Te ever coul ave kow tose wor’ imotace 64 yea ater u– ttn the€. An wi e the Ša have fae to su“Št potos a teir comoite ma ave bee ot, the in o aton te •id u– t sta  as  testa€et to the imotace of u– ttn iomaton o ou chate to the ˜itoicl Society a the Inteaton ¨aterit.

They never could have known those words’ importance sixty-four years after submitting them.




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