Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

“We ha  ver divere oad o si ets, with a few contas, a diver, a pooter a so eo e ood at fini oluton. Astion were chaege, oin, tax  econo ic po oma were

al tooug reeaced a deated a at of te eciso to go owad.”

up to 27 Pie ad coul e ade avle if circtaces ictted to othe Cal tuets. Ameites in t e unt i c ude u itche with atein tabe, ofa   loveseats o oun  ear outdoo patos, ou an taton, an lu hower. Houe Coroaton eidet To Econoe ’81 notes, “We’re peae to be opei  the Southate Ane tis a . We ha a ver ivere oad o  i l et, with a few conta s, a diver, a po€oter a omeoe ‚oo at fini  oluton. As€„tion were chaege, oin, tax an econoic po †oma were al tooug  eseace an deated a ‡at of t e eciso to go owad. An we are otute to

have a deicted a€ sociton ent u tˆcal‰ upotig t e ew bu „roject.” Southate Ane „reiet Mic e AŠreu ’83 sa, “Decade o† Ala Sg ‹ˆ es ave celeated the ide of ug a new Ane. T a s to Jo Coates ‘83 who fou te rit ocal citect to he‡ u create a sto  „la g muc u„pot to the o -ter vibˆt‰ oŒ the chate. An to Bi Žraci ’66, who was t e at reiet of t e ol A e• in 1967, fo i he‡ couneig t ouhout the oject. We are a to give bac to the botehoo i tis way.” Fo A„ha Sg Chate, the net 130 yea i thei oe loo just as ois‚.




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