Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024

John Goodman entered Chapter Eternal on Au- gust 5, 2023. Born and raised in North Carolina, Goodman lived a spirited youth enjoying all the things the wild outdoors offered. After graduat- ing from Boyden High School, John obtained his Bachelor of Science in Forestry from NC State, where he was chapter president. Following two years of active-duty service as an officer with the US Air Force, he received his MBA from UNC-Chapel Hill. He then joined NCNB (now Bank of America) in 1963, serving the bank in numerous integral capacities during the advent of inter-state banking, including Senior Loan and Credit Officer and Raleigh City Executive. After- wards, he moved to Delaware Trust Company

(now Wells Fargo) in 1980 and retired in 1988 as Executive Vice President. An avid reader, Good- man served as Board Chairman of the George- town County Public Library in his retirement, and in 2004 was named South Carolina Library Trustee of the year. John married Susan Raker McIntyre of Lumberton, NC in January of 1960. He and his wife Susan enjoyed 63 years of marriage. In addition to Susan, John is survived by his son, Cameron Ree Goodman and his wife Lori, and their children Merrit and Raker, and his daughter, Lyn Goodman Shoop and her husband, Brett, and their children Conner, Owen, and Evelyn. Johnny is also survived by his sister.

John C. Goodman (North Carolina State, Alpha Epsilon ’55)

Correction: H. Patrick “Pat” Cline Jr. (Tennessee, Zeta ’74) We mistakenly listed him in Chapter Eternal in the Fall 2023 issue.

Samuel H. Oliver Jr. ‘53 7/29/2023 James M. Pridgen ‘64 10/9/2023 Henry H. Self Jr. ‘69 7/19/2023 Ajalon A. Tillery ‘49 12/24/2012 Robert D. Word Jr. ‘52 9/22/2023 AUSTIN PEAY STATE ETA TAU William C. Partin ‘72 9/7/2023 Wade H. Rudolph ‘76 7/6/2023 Steven A. White ‘05 9/9/2023 BAYLOR THETA NU Randall Driggers ‘77 7/8/2023

John J. Frizzell ‘98 11/4/2023 Jason L. McInnis ‘98 6/22/2023 APPALACHIAN STATE IOTA PSI Jeffery S. Honeycutt ‘94

Jerry E. Crim ‘65 10/8/2023 Robert F. Fulmer Jr. ‘69 10/12/2022 Kenneth W. Stafford ‘75 9/28/2023 Billie R. Taylor ‘49 11/19/2023 AUBURN UPSILON Jessie M. Andrews ‘49 6/24/2015 Sanders M. Bolling ‘61 10/24/2023 Bryant T. Castellow ‘56 9/1/2023 Joseph D. Ellis IV ‘66 12/13/2023 Edward O. Hussey Jr. ‘49 5/7/2017 C. Harold Knowles ‘49 1/7/2020 Bobby L. Maxham ‘49 12/21/2019

ALABAMA GAMMA ALPHA Robert E. Arnold ‘45 1/28/2022 Herbert G. Carnathan ‘49 2/4/2021 Renzo M. Guy II ‘49 5/7/2023 James L. Kassner Jr. ‘49 10/8/2015 Frederick L. Kelly Jr. ‘49 5/16/2023 R. Bob Mullins Jr. ‘61 1/1/2023 William M. Russell Jr. ‘49 7/10/2016 G. Russell Streit ‘67 6/5/2023 T. Jackson Tate Jr. ‘03 10/9/2023 ANGELO STATE ETA EPSILON Mark Edward Camp ‘85 10/13/2023

ARKANSAS ALPHA ZETA John P. Bethell Jr. ‘52 11/2/2023 George Kirby Coffman ‘60 2/27/2021 Karoly H. Godo ‘14 10/30/2023 Thomas H. Kinard ‘73 3/15/2022 Jay W. Piering ‘09 10/28/2023 F. Russell Rogers ‘64 4/30/2023 Billy M. Smith ‘72 7/23/2023 ARKANSAS– LITTLE ROCK ZETA ETA Mark D. Lowery ‘76 7/26/2023 ARKANSAS STATE DELTA THETA John Christopher Ballard ‘08 10/6/2023

ARIZONA GAMMA DELTA Kevin D. Bodine ‘84 8/25/2023

Christopher B. Niederauer ‘88 7/1/2023

ARIZONA STATE DELTA TAU Dana S. Beacom ‘71 William F. Farmer ‘64 Wayne E. Harris ‘77 Scott Wescott Murdick ‘81 R. David Reeves ‘65




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