Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024


The Gift of the Fire Truck

Throughout our history, chap- ters have often provided the International Fraternity with a gift upon their chartering. One of these fantastic gifts comes from Gamma Mu after their rechartering in 1995. This scale model pays homage to their sec- ond re truck acquired in Spring 1959. The 1917 Aherns-Fox ladder truck was purchased after their 1923 American LaFrance became inoperable. Gamma Mu’s rst re truck was purchased in 1955 and used until rough- ly Spring 1957. During that time, it not only made a trip to Convention

but was regularly used as a shuttle to social events and football

games. It was prominently displayed in the March 1958 issue of the Shield and Diamond . In 1957, the gentlemen of Gamma Mu would truly act as remen. That year, thir- ty-ve men from the chapter assisted as a volunteer re brigade to help control an outbreak of res and gar- nered a commendation for the University from the re chief.




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