Shield & Diamond | Spring 2024


Eduardo Maciel (California State-Fullerton, Mu Epsilon ’13)


After spending time on Fraternity sta as a chapter consultant and Director of Membership Growth, Eduardo Maciel jumped into the medical device industry before landing in the virtual health- care space as a director of sales at MDLIVE. He continues to volunteer for PIKE in his role on the International Recruitment Commis- sion, motivating undergraduate chapters to strengthen their recruitment programs.

Why did you decide to give back your time to the International Recruitment Commission? First, recruitment is fun. I really appreciate our re- cruitment program, love the sessions at PIKE University, and still use many of the tactics today in the profes- sional world. Second, I’m a direct beneciary of our re- cruitment tactics and it’s an honor to be able to teach our undergrads and be a part of our international recruitment strategy. Learning PIKE recruitment shaped my career and I wanted to give back to those eager to change their future. Why do you think it’s important for young alumni to start volunteering for the Fraternity?

to give back because we are in the

unique position to understand today’s challeng- es of joining the professional world, starting a family,

buying a home, etc. We can use that experience to help undergraduates make important decisions on what they will do next giv- en that we likely have similar circumstances — early in career, no family yet, new to professional world, no roots in any one city yet, etc. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Nowadays, I’m focused on being a family man. Being able to provide for my small family, stay healthy, and spend time with my wife are my biggest priorities and motivators. Tell us about the hobbies or activities that bring you joy. Got really into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when I lived in Mem- phis and have continued to grow with the sport. Since

moving to Joshua Tree, I’ve picked up trail running. I am currently training for a 100k in Zion, UT later this year. Besides that, I spend a lot of time on home projects and playing with my Double Doodle, Canela. What excites you about PIKE today? Our growth! Despite col- lege enrollment declining, we don’t accept that as an excuse to not grow. Based on preliminary numbers, we see massive growth for PIKE in 2024.

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The habit of giving back should start right after graduation. The way in

which anyone gives back to the Fraternity will change throughout our lifetime, but young alumni likely have some time, and maybe some resources, to start giving back and volunteering. It’s important for young alumni




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