Stand up to Sciatica

The Chronicle Getting You Back on Track

“Start moving like you did inyour 20s! ”

Stand Up to Sciatica

Bad Habits Can Increase Your Pain Some seemingly harmless habits can also contribute to the irritation of the sciatic nerve. A frequent bad habit is crossing of the legs for extended periods, which puts pressure on the nerve. In addition, sitting for long periods is bad for your spine. It is possible for you to prevent or relieve sciatica simply by improving your posture. Physical Therapy Relieves Sciatica The specialists at Synergy Healthcare play a cruciol role inevaluatingand treatingsciatica,aswellasother common back problems. Our physical therapists are medicalexpertswithyearsof training toevaluateyour back problem and find the root cause of your sciatica. An individualized treatment plan is created to guide you through the recovery process and maximize your success.

When you come to Synergy Healthcare, our friendly and knowledgeable therapists spend time with you. We train you on specific and easy exercises that will relieve the pain in your back and legs. In addition, our specialized hands-on therapy helps to gently loosen tight muscles and joints in your spine and legs. Your pain is quickly relieved and your flexibility restored, so you can feel like yourself again. Our cutting-edge treatments are doctor recommended and are specifically designed for you to reach your healthcare goals. Knowingall thisshouldgiveyouaheadstart inwarding off painful sciatica. After all, it may be as simple as learning to stand tall.

Inside This Newsletter

• Staff Spotlight • Patient Success Spotlight • Referral Program • Workshop Information • Frequency Specific Microcurrent

“Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2005, Volume 2, Number 2. Aaron G. Filler, M.D., Ph.D.,etal.”

Call IN & Win!

ATTENTIONALL YOGAPRACTITIONERS! Why you should add Feldenkrais to themix!

Be the first 10 to call with the misspelled word and receive a $10 GIFT CARD Call In & Win Hotline: (509) 413-1630

Whileyogaposescreateawareness, theycanbecomehabitual in the way they are practiced. Without realizing it, many are using more effort than is needed, which can lead to neck pain andbackpainduring theiryogapractice,making itamuchmore difficult and potentially painful experience. The gentle, simple, inquisitive process of an Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lesson opens and deepens your kinesthetic knowledge, paving the way for a better yoga experience. Feldenkraisemphasizessmall,enjoyable,andsubtlemovements togivemore insight into theway thatyouhabituallymove.Once abadhabit isdiscovered itcanbe retrained intoamoreefficient pattern. This can improve yoga poses and deepen the practice, guiding to you to move more smoothly and easily.

WhatFeldenkrais– “AwarenessThroughMovement”– lessons can do to help improve your yoga practice: • Increased awareness of self • Increased range and ease of motion • Help identify habitual misuse and/or overuse of self • Unify the body as a “whole” in yoga asanas • Enhance breath work • Break down asanas into smaller, slower, easier segments By slowing down, so that we can sense and feel more clearly howwearemoving,webegin toexperience theyogaposturesas dynamic, rejuvenating, and endlessly interesting. Flow, fluidity, and flexibility—supplestrengthand repose-in-action—welcome to your new yoga experience!

Calling all PTs and SLPs! We need you! We are seeking 2 very special people to bring into our team. A new Speech and Language Pathologist for our Coeur d’Alene practice and a new Physical Therapist for our Mission practice. In order to fit with our team, they need to be upbeat, enthusiastic, gracious, and thoughtful. They love to learn and are interested in cutting the edge therapies that we offer at Synergy. Do you know someone who loves to keep learning and wants to provide outstanding care? Please send them our way! Contact us at (509) 413–1630 to request an interview.

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