Legal Innovation Lab Wales


patterns and behaviours), and the need to ensure that the specification of the facility met PASF standards (which will be crucial over the long-term, enabling the University to handle secure or sensitive data), this is not considered unreasonable.

2.11 At the point of this Final Evaluation, the PASF accreditation process is ongoing, with external assessment for the accreditation expected in June 2023. A working group was established to support the process; however, this was temporarily suspended due to a change in Project Manager in Summer 2022. Subsequently, owing to the volume of work required to secure the accreditation, the operation sought to recruit a Data and Collaborations Officer in late-2022 to drive the implementation of the PASF. However, no suitable candidates were identified and the position was not filled, which led to some further delays. In February 2023, implementation of a cloud-based

This [Cyber Threats Suite] helps makes us unique. We have strong security features, and this help makes Swansea a good place to undertake really sensitive data research

Academic consultee

platform (Amazon Trusted Research Environment) was completed. Currently (at May/June 2023) the focus is on developing the necessary processes, policies, and collaboration required amongst stakeholders, prior to the external assessment. Images of the facilities are set out in Figure 2-3 below. 2.12 Consultees reported that the delay to the completion of the Cyber Threats Suite has led to some adverse effects on the outcomes realised by the operation by this stage; put simply, researchers have not yet been able to secure and deliver projects requiring the use of highly sensitive data that the facilities will allow. 2.13 However, positively, consultees highlighted that the accreditation will provide Swansea University with a distinctive and differentiated offer relative to competitor institutions, which will be of significant value over the longer-term in securing research grants and engaging with key partners across the cyber threats and security landscape. In this sense whilst the delays to the completion of the facility are not optimal, over the longer-term the benefits will be realised following a successful accreditation, and the additional time required to position the facilities to secure this accreditation is recognised as appropriate.

Legal Innovation Lab Wales

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