(the former Project Manager, and subsequently the project coordinator) to promote activities / issues related to the CCT indicators and the intents of the CCTs more broadly.
• Second, and related to the above, quarterly CCTs meetings led by the CCT Champion helped to maintain a commitment to the CCTs, and provided opportunities for colleagues to share relevant activities / actions. • Third, there is a strong alignment between the operation’s core areas of research and the CCTs, particularly the Lab’s access to justice work and the ‘Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion’ CCT. This supportive context has helped embed CC T-related actions in the daily operations of the team. 3.6 As noted above, 24 CCT related case studies have been produced over the operation’s lifetime, with a selection shared on the LILW website. These case studies have not only been used to provide evidence to WEFO of the activities the Lab has delivered against the CCTs, but also to raise awareness of the CCTs to a wider audience. This is a positive learning lesson for any similar interventions in future.
Legal Innovation Lab Wales
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