always played a central role in contributing to these events. One of the CYTREC Lecturers led a project for the UK Home Office which also has the potential to inform future policy.
Assessment against the logic model
5.21 Drawing on the evidence reported above and in Section 4. Figure 5-1 provides a summary assessment of progress of the Lab in delivering against anticipated intermediate outcomes at this Final Evaluation stage. 5.22 Overall, the assessment shows that there has been strong progress in delivery against most of the intermediate outcomes as the operation draws to a close . There has been particularly strong progress made towards outcomes related to enhanced knowledge / understanding, collaboration, and the validation/invalidation of new technological applications in LegalTech and Cyber Threats. 5.23 At this point, progress towards final outcomes is more mixed, which is not unexpected given the ongoing delivery of the operation at the time of the evaluation and anticipated time-paths to impact. This said, at this Final Evaluation stage there is encouraging evidence of progress towards outcomes related to an enhanced profile and reputation of Swansea University, advances in understanding and knowledge of user perceptions/experience of LegalTech innovations, and delivering research that has the potential to inform policy and decision making. 5.24 The logic model also included a number of wider indirect impacts which are inherently hard to quantify and evidence and require additional investment by businesses/organisations if they are to be realised in future. The feedback from stakeholders is that the LILW has progressed the development of new technological platforms across both LegalTech and Cyber Threats, and has contributed to Swansea University developing a strong and well-established reputation in LegalTech and Cyber Threats. However, at this stage there is uncertainty whether the Lab will be in a position to achieve longer-term positive impacts following the close of the ERDF funding period. 5.25 Overall, the evidence at this Final Evaluation stage suggests that the operation has delivered value for money. The operation was awarded £3.35m in ERDF funding and at January 2023 had already secured £2.7m in research income that can be directly attributed to the LILW. With the exception of research income secured, the operation has achieved or exceeded all its ERDF indicator targets, and has led to a range of collaboration and profile outcomes, alongside wider business and societal effects. Over the longer-term, the facilities will continue to be utilised, and whilst the exact form and function of the Lab post-ERDF is yet to be determined, it can be expected that there will be some sustained increase in the scale of research activity and income secured, particularly in CYTREC, including as a result of the Cyber Threats Suite which provides the University with a competitive and distinctive offer for the delivery of sensitive, complex and high-security research activity.
Legal Innovation Lab Wales
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