$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5 r $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : TOWARDS BETTER MENTAL HEALTH: ONE PICTURE AT A TIME
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Vesta MacIntosh wants to help local people who, like her deal with depression or anxiety all the time, with a special outreach project September 26 at Parc Du Moulin in Rockland. —supplied photo i*GUIJTJTSFBMMZTVDDFTTGVM uTBJE.BD*O - tosh. “We’re going to do it again in the spring.” i0S UIFZ DBO KVTU HJWF B TNJMF u TBJE .BD*OUPTI BEEJOHUIBUXIBUTJNQPSUBOUJT that participants show that mental health is a community issue and that they are doing what they can to deal with the matter. 3FTFSWBUJPOTGPSUIFQIPUPTFTTJPOTBSF NBEFUISPVHIUIFQSPKFDUT'BDFCPPLQBHF 4PGBS .BD*OUPTIIBTSFTFSWBUJPOT5IFSF JTOPDIBSHF GPS UIFQIPUPTFTTJPOT"OZ donations people want to make will go to UIF$BOBEJBO.FOUBM)FBMUI"TTPDJBUJPO*G the weather is inclement on September 26 then the photo shoot will be rescheduled to the next weekend. a chance to speak out about their problems and how they handle them, and also help make others understand that mental health is a very human issue. .BD*OUPTI BQSPGFTTJPOBMQIPUPHSBQIFS XJMMCFBU1BSD%V.PVMJO JO3PDLMBOEPO September 26 afternoon. She will take pho- tos of people who reserve one of several five-minute time slots for the event. They can pose for the photo alone or with family or friends, and with something that helps them cope with their own personal mental health situation.
Vesta MacIntosh has a project to help raise local awareness about mental health one picture at a time. “The idea is to allow people to know UIBU JUTPLBZOPUUPGFFMPLBZu.BD*OUPTI said during a September 5 phone interview. “There are people who struggle with depres- sion, anxiety, post-partum depression all the time, from the mild to the severe.” .BD*OUPTICFHBOQMBOOJOHPOIFSQSPKFDU .FOUBM)FBMUI"XBSFOFTT0OF1JDUVSFBUB Time, not long after her father committed TVJDJEF JO.BZPG UIJT ZFBS4IF JTPQFO about the family tragedy, explaining that she first posted a video on Facebook where she talked about her father’s death and how it came as a surprise to everyone. i.ZGBNJMZBOE*EJEOPULOPXIJTEFQSFT - sion was as bad as that,” she said, adding that her father had coped with depression for as long as she had known him. “We all thought he was getting better.” .BD*OUPTIIFSTFMGBMTPEFBMTXJUIEFQSFT - sion and in the video she talked about how it affects her and how she has now let her family know about her situation. Then she UVSOFEIFSBUUFOUJPOUPIFSDVSSFOUQSPKFDU which gives local people a chance to explain how depression or anxiety or other emotional and psychological issues affect their lives and how they try to deal with those issues. 5IFHPBMTPG.FOUBM)FBMUI"XBSFOFTT 0OF1JDUVSFBUB5JNFBSFUPHJWFMPDBMQFPQMF
L’HÔTEL DE VILLE ROUVRE POUR CERTAINS SERVICES EN PERSONNE LE MARDI 8 SEPTEMBRE 2020 L a m unicipa l i té de Ru ss e ll r o u v rira l’ h ôt e l de v i ll e p o ur off rir cer t ain s s er v ice s en per so nne à c om p t er du m ardi 8 s ep t e mb re 2020. Cer t ain s s er v ice s s er o n t off er ts s an s rende z - vo u s t andi s q ue d ’ au t re s l e re st er o n t uni q ue m en t s ur rende z - vo u s . Nos b ureau x s er o n t o u v er ts au pu bl ic du l undi au v endredi de 8h30 à 1 2h e t de 1 3h à 16 h30. L e s s er v ice s m unicipau x so n t to u jo ur s di s p o ni bl e s par c o urrie l, par télé ph o ne e t en l i g ne au fr.Ru ss e ll .ca. C o n s u lt e z fr.Ru ss e ll .ca p o ur l e s d ét ai ls .
TOWN HALL REOPENS FOR CERTAIN IN-PERSON SERVICES ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 T he Municipa l i ty o f Ru ss e ll w i ll re o pen Tow n H a ll to off er som e in-per so n s er v ice s a s o f T ue s da y, S ep t e mb er 8 , 2020. Som e s er v ice s w i ll b e off ered w i t h o u t an app o in tm en t w hi l e ot her s w i ll b e a v ai l a bl e by app o in tm en t o n ly . O ur offi ce s w i ll b e o pen to t he pu bl ic M o nda y t hr o u g h F rida y fr om 8:30 a. m . to 1 2 p. m . and fr om 1 p. m . to 4:30 p. m . Municipa l s er v ice s are a lw a ys a v ai l a bl e by e m ai l, ph o ne and o n l ine a t Ru ss e ll .ca. V i s i t Ru ss e ll .ca f o r mo re de t ai ls .
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