Evelina Programme Director

PHASE 2 2019/20 TO 2025/26

This phase focuses on expanding capacity for ELCH’s services outside the existing ELCH - into the Triangle Site development, a new Day Surgery and Education Centre and, into a new ambulatory facility being developed by the Trust on the adjacent Royal Street site. This phase will deliver the capacity needed in the medium term to accommodate the future growth of existing specialist services, the development of new services and, subject to the outcome of public consultation, the transfer of specialist children’s services from the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals NHS FT. An Outline Business Case is currently under development to secure capital funding and regulatory approval by NHSEI.

This Programme is ambitious and significant both in its scale (over £400m capital funding in Phase 2) and its complexity, especially given the interdependencies between it and other Trust programmes, including the merger transaction between GSTT and RBH and the Royal Street Development; uncertainties around the timing and outcome of public consultation; and the need to secure formal regulatory approval from NHSEI.

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