King's Business - 1927-02

February 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

like' Abraham Lincoln—men of whom it can be said: “Ye have obeyed from the heart.that MOULD of doc­ trine, which was delivered you” (Rom. 6:17). It is important that we should hold doctrines, but it is imperative that they should hold us and mould our thoughts, affections and wills after the pattern of Jesus Christ. Perhaps Lincoln was over-modest, but would it not be a blessing today if more of us had enough of that sense of modesty to seal our lips when our lives are utterly failing to reveal Christ?

“mountain white” of practically no schooling, brought up at odd jobs, mostly rail splitting—an unchurched Chris­ tian who made no attempts at apologetics;—so repro­ duces Christ in his life that he becomes a veritable spirit­ ual magnet whose influence ever grows ? It should remind us that the. Faith was “deposited with saints” (Jude 3), The truth must become incarnated before it will carry. It must be held experimentally and consistently. Saints to live Christianity are more scarce than swords to fight for it. The defense the Gospel needs today is a regiment of honest, gracious, wholesome souls

for boys in. reference to;, crime is constantly growing younger,” ' he declares in Harper’s Magazine.

“I could have made a better world,” A cynic to a s”aint once cried; “And that is why God put thee here; Go forth and do it,”,he replied. * * * *

“It is safe to say that almost all crimes are com­ mitted by boys in their early teens 1 or by those who began in effect a criminal career at that age. Sav­ ing criminals; is, in the last analysis, only saving chil­ dren, ; and saving children means nof only saying criminals but their victims, too.”

“So many preachers .are trying to go in the middle of the road these days;” says Dr. McNeill,-“that I have to take one side in order to get by.” * * * * Editor of an exchange thinks our modern girls are more worried about the shine on their noses than they are about the dust on the furniture. * * 4= j| i Scientists have recently been predicting the practical abolish­ ing of sleep for human beings. “Thus they would destroy the only few hours men live above reproach,” says the Toledo Blade. * * * * “Christian Register” (Unitarian paper) says the second com­ ing doctrine “is more heinous and rotting to the soul than polyg­ amy, witch-burning and slavery combined.” Still one can scarcely recall an outstanding devout Bible scholar, preacher or mission­ ary of the church age, who has not confessed that “the blessed hope” was his constant inspiration to holiness and service. * * * Scientists are now seeking a way to stop babies from cry­ ing. “If they succeed at this point,” says the Pathfinder, “they will win the admiration and gratitude of even the Fundamen­ talists,” * * * * Some one has said that one of the biggest mistakes of Mod­ ernism is that it makes Calvary to represent man doing his best for God, whereas really it represents God doing His utmost for man. * * * * Dr. Augustine Smith, musical director of a Chautauqua Institution, says: “Church music today is more often a Godless quartette singing heathenish music in an unknown tongue, than a God-fearing choir.” He declares that we get less than five per cent of worship and genuine helpfulness out of it. “We need a real revival of worshipful Gospel music and congregational singing of the solid hymns of the church.” ♦ * $? Clarence Darrow, though he is an avowed enemy of the Bible, occasionally makes some admissions which are most sig­ nificant in view of what prophecy says of the perilous days which are to mark the consummation of the age. “The dangerous age

,Mr. Darrow has nothing to propose as a cure, except edu­ cation. What a challenge to those •who believe that the Gospel of Christ -is’ “the power of God unto salvation !” * * * * Seems strange to read of the movie menacé in Africa. Sir Hesketh .Bell has called attention to the evil which the exhibi­ tion of certain cinema film's is working among the native peo­ ples of Africa and India. The sensational and sometimes inde­ cent pictures which are-shown as representing the life of white people are leading the natives of. India and of our great African Colonies'- and Protectorates to false and dangerous ideas of European civilization. The secretary of the Universities Mis­ sion to Central Africa tells that in Zanzibar cinema shows were given to ¡students and scholars in the mission schools, “but even when we,had made a careful selection, we sometimes found we had to stop a film in the middle because of its totally unex­ pected effect on the audience.”' But the evil which is wrought by films which depict the under-world of crime and vice is beyond any dispute. * * * H« As- evidence of “the desertion of the ministry by college men,” Dr.. John Richelsen, Buffalo, N. Y. declared in a recent sermon that “the rnajority of Presbyterian ministers today are more than 52 years old.” He pointed out that the increase in membership in the church is ten times greater than that of candidates for. the ministry during recent years. We« are reminded of a unique statement we read recently : “The Mod­ ernists are in danger of throwing the baby out of the window with the bath.” By this was evidently meant that in throwing away so much of the Bible, our educators are throwing away the very essence of Christianity. It is not likely that young men will find in a denatured theology an inspiration to preach. * * * * A 200 per cent increase in the use of tobacco since the war is reported by the Tobacco Association. Increasing popula- ity of the “weed” with women is said to be mainly responsible for this jump. Prof. J. R. Earp, director of hygiene in Antioch College, has an article in “The World’s Health,” entitled “Like

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