King's Business - 1927-02


February 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Otriking Stories of God’sWorking O O ----------- GATHERED THIS MONTH FROM BIOLA WORKERS------------O


simple story of the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ at once entered his heart. This was followed by linking himself with Christians of his own nation­ ality, in church fellowship. Now a child of the King, he is to be seen from two to six any morning gathering the rubbish from the big stores. As he passes our hall he is sure to look up,, waving his hand to the faithful watcher for souls, who, even at that wee small hour, is “occupying till He come.” The other interesting case was that of a young Hebrew lad, the subject of many earnest prayers. It was the portion of one of our boys who lovingly and patiently dealt with him after repeated visits to our entrance services that he has made his first open confession of Christ as his Messiah. One evening recently in an evening class we noticed this lad deeply absorbed in taking notes for future study and we did indeed lift our hearts to GOD in praise for all those who sow the precious seed of His eternal word beside all waters.

La te B u t no t Too La te A BIBLE Woman was sitting at the bedside of a young woman one evening when a man and a woman passed. “That is Myrtle’s father and mother. She cannot live'long and is afraid to die.” When asked if Myrtle was a Christian, the answer was, “no.” The parents remained too long for the worker to see the sick girl that night, but she called the next day and was told by the Christian patient that Myrtle was uncon­ scious, and had been for some time. “But,” she said, “You go and I will pray.” The visitor found Myrtle conscious and able to understand what was said, but death was. so near she could not talk. God’s plan of salvation was. presented to her and she was asked if she ¡would accept Christ as her Saviour. Three times God’s plan and the question were repeated, and three times she nodded her head that she accepted Him. She was asked if she compre­ hended what she had done, if she realized that she was now a child of God, and ready to meet Him. To both questions she nodded yes. In a very short time" she was again unconscious, and in a few hours she was with her Lord. “A Word to th e Wise is----- ” T HE blank looks upon the faces of members of an Adult Bible Class at one point in the lesson revealed to one of our Bible Women the need for a systematic method of Bible study at home. In passing, the teacher suggested to some of the members who had not been Christians very long, Mr. Keith L. Brooks’ pamphlet, “Simple Studies for Bible Beginners.” As a result, twenty members of the class, some of them Christians of many years, procured copies of the booklet and started to make a definite study of the Bible. The casual remark of a teacher, in this instance, led twenty into the road of a better understanding of God’s Word. The-booklet takes up vital doc­ trines of the Christian faith by the question method, the student writing out answers: as they are discovered in the Scripture ref­ erences cited. Biola Book Room furnishes these studies for only IS cents. •’■v-O-T: I A Bolshevik in the Gospel Net B ANDITS, highwaymen, bootleggers, professional crooks, moral as well as physical lepers, are among the audiences of Biola Hall, the Institute down-town mission. Our workers rub shoulders with Rabbis, Ministers, Practitioners, “Holy rollers”, •Nature men, Movie Kings, Hoboes, Colllege chaps, and High school lads, and as one and all press in to listen to the story that never grows old, the superintendent surely has much reason to thank the heavenly Father for the open door of opportunity. — o —

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Gleeful Girls— 500 of Them I F you were to observe a group of over five hundred school girls gleefully drinking punch and waving cookies aloft be­ tween class-yells and songs you might wonder what vital thing had brought them together into such unity and enthusiasm of spirit. Just such a group met November thirteenth in the Lyceum Club room of the Bible Institute. It was composed of high school girls who belong to the Euodia Clubs of the Bible Institute, It was the Sixth Annual Rally of Euodia Clubs that brought this happy crowd together. There were serious sessions, at which spiritual messages were given. The enthusiasm was translated into definite action as thirty-four girls stood to give themselves to Christian service,'wherever Christ should lead. Banners and pennants were awarded to the clubs having the largest percentage of members in attendance. .The findings gave the city banner to Garvanza, the out of town banner to Whit­ tier, the city pennant to Huntington Park, and the out of town pennant to Gardena. The Seed Blew Over to Mexico W E little know how far reaching may be our testimony among the Mexicans or other foreigners in our very midst. Several of the Mexican converts of the Institute Span­ ish department of which Robert H. Bender is superintendent, are now in Mexico giving out the good news of God’s love. Thus far there are five men-'and one lady, all Mexican born, who have been instrumental in the salvation of many souls. There never was an opportunity such as there is now, in the history of Mexico, to scatter the precious seed of the Word of God. There are about sixteen million souls who have no priest, no mass, no confession and no religious service; who for four centuries have been taught and reared in the Roman Cath­ olic Church. The government has not closed all Churches, but Rome refuses to submit to register according to the law of the constitution of Mexico. Will not many of these blinded people

Out of this medley, we have chosen two cases which are striking in their contrast. The first is a Prusian Bolshevik. Holding a military position, in his own country, he was able to have his papers “fixed.” Escaping to “the land of the brave and the free,” he was first awakened to his deep soul need in hearing the Bible read for the first time on the boat coming across. Arriving in Los Angeles his. steps were somehow directed to “Biola Hall,” where the

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