King's Business - 1927-02

February 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


The Parables of the Old Testament, by Clarence Edward Macartney, D.D. has just come to our table. Those who are acquainted with Dr. Macartney only as a writer upon doctrinal subjects will wel­ come a new, enlarged edition of his “Par­ ables of the Old Testament,” in which he takes his readers away from the beaten paths of Biblical study into the charm and thrill and romance of a new world,—all within the boundaries of the Old Testament. Dr. Macartney says in the preface: “In the first edition only nine of the parables were treated. In order to make a fairly complete survey of this kind of teaching in the Old Testa­ ment, I have added six to the original list, some of which might be classified as visions and allegories, but are all true parables in that which is seen in the vis­ ion, as in the ‘Holy Waters of Ezekiel,’ or acted in the allegory, as in ‘Zechariah’s Beauty, and Bands,’ prefigures ; future events or illustrates the facts of the m o r a l andspiritual world.” (Revell) $1.50 (T.C.H.) — o — A Clean Life, by Dr. Katharine C. Bushnell, is a little book representing a certain view that has been taken by a group of people on both sides of the At­ lantic concerning sex relations. The ideals held concerning the most sacred relations :of social life which are at the foundation of the home life are high and exacting. There is no doubt about the fact that prbstitution is not necessary to normal health. That is granted by all Christians. It is quite another question as to whether those holding that view are ready to follow the author in the infer­ ences made concerning the married rela­ tions. The New Testament does not seem to carry the conclusions to the same extent as this writer. The book, how­ ever, is worthy of a careful reading but we cannot help but feel that such ex­ tremes as are contended for here are in­ clined to make a superficial conscience and cause sensitive souls a great deal of unnecessary trouble. We are for the highest possible standards of purity as held by the New Testament but it is not always wholesome to be wise above that which is written. (J. M. Maclnnis) —o Seeking the Mind of Christ, is a new book by Robert E. Speer. Dr. Speer’s fine combination of solid substance and popular presentation is found in none of his books more notably than here.' With his accustomed clearness and vigor, he provides a well considered and compre­ hensive devotional survey of aspects of the mind of Christ as revealed in the New Testament and in Christian experience. Here is, moreover, a re-statement, for these times of the author’s assured faith in the absolute authority and Deity of our Lord, and in the truth of the words: “He that hath seen me hath seen the Fa­ ther.” (Revell) $1.50 (T.C.H.)

“Evolution at the Bat" is a debate be­ tween Dr. J. Lewis Smith and Prof. Ed­ win Tenney Brewster on the question of Evolution. It follows the familiar lines of this controversy pro and con. In the first place they were never able to come tc an agreement as to their definition of Evolution, and that in the nature of things made it impossible to answer each other effectively. There is very little light on the main question that was before them as to whether Evolution is being taught in our Public Schools. There is no real original contribution to either side of the subject in the debate as is usually the case in such discussions. The •two men are writing from totally different points of view and so, far as the book is concerned, no evidence that they ever understood each other from the time they started the discussion until they finished it. (J. M. Maclnnis) —o— Life in Mozambique and South Africa, by John Wesley Haley, missionary to Africa, is a book which adds another worthy chapter to the volume of mission­ ary literature. The author has been for twenty-five years a missionary of the Free Methodist Church in Africa. He writes out of an intimate knowledge of the land of his. service and its people. His account covers in a delightfully inti­ mate fashion missionary and governmen­ tal activities in Portuguese East Africa, The Transvaal, Natal and Pondoland, during the last quarter of a century. He has given us a simple but quite convinc­ ing story of what God has wrought and how He has seen fit to achieve through missionary and native workers. The value of the volume is not so much in its literary excellence as* in its vivid and un­ usually interesting portrayal of “life” in the actual living. Incidents with plenty of heart appeal are told. Sixteen well chosen illustrations lend their color to the whole. Let him who would be con­ versant with world-wide Missions read this book. (Free Methodist Publishing House). Albert E. Kelly. - t O— Andrew Murray, and His Message, is a book compiled, with the help of his daughters, by his friend, W. M. Douglas, B.A. There are few names better known in the annals of present day Christianity than that of Andrew Murray, of South Africa, whose many devotional works have given help and blessing to countless multitudes, encircling the globe. This splendid biography contains interesting, first-hand recollections of this loved and trusted writer whose “With Christ in the School of Prayer” and “Abide in Christ” are, perhaps, the best known of all his devotional works. In simple style, the book sets forth the “miracle” of the life of a man of God, living in an out-of-the- way corner of the world, who came to be loved and trusted by multitudes who n e v e r saw his f a c e . (Revell) $1.75 (T.C.H.)

Would you rather have your children follow the example of the funny pictures or read these stirring Bible stories and follow the example of their heroic characters? B I B L E S T O R Y B O O K By Elsie E. Egermeier Told from the child's viewpoint in simple, vivid lan­ guage. Easy to read; beautifully illustrated; attractively bound. Arranged in periods of Bible history and in order of events so that young or old get a better under­ standing of the Bible than ever before. Send for the BIBLE STORY BOOK today for 5 days FREE Trial. You risk nothing. If you decide to keep it send us $2.00 plus 5c postage; otherwise, write us and we will send stamps for its return. Contains 608 pages, 200 illustrations, 15 art reproductions in color, 233 inspiring stories. Complete catalog of Books, Church and S. S. Supplies, etc., FREE on request. GOSPEL TRU M PET Co. Dept. 12, Anderson, Indiana.

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Atlanta, 6a., 638 Edgewood Ave., N. E. Kansas City, Mo., 15th & Prospect Ave. Yakima, .Wash., 10 S. Seventh Ave.

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5 0 0 0 wooers WANTED to sell Bibles, T estam ents, good books and handsom e velvet S crip tu re m ottoes. Good comm ission. Send for Free C atalog and P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D ept. No. 7C, M onon Bldg. Chicago, 111. Individual Cups O utfits on trial. B read and Collection Plates. Thomas Communion Service Co, Box 542 Lima, Ohio ? -----------------------------------!— ;— ? Are You Interested in Bring­ ing the Jew to Christ? If so, send your name and address, and an in­ teresting description of a great work will be sent you; also a monthly letter from the Ghetto. No obligation, of course. NEW YO RK GOSPEL M ISSIO N TO THE JEW, Inc. t f 152 E. Seventh Street, New York t ( DoesYOUR C hurch use th is sanitary m ethod? Send for C atalog and Special Offer a t reduced prices. T ray and 36 crystal glasses, $ 6 .5 0 u p .

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