King's Business - 1927-02


February 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“Best” Books forthe Christian Life Books of exceptionally helpful character The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life By H a n n ah W hitall Sm ith T o comm end this w o rk seem s alm ost superflous, and y e t to C h ristian s w ho do n o t know it, w e c an n o t refrain from saying, “Buy this b o o k an d keep it w ith y o u r Bible fo r c o n stan t study, un til y o u have th o ro u g h ly m astered, in y o u r own experience, th e S ecret of w hich it tells.** T his is a book needed today as n ev er before. It will tran sfo rm those d a rk days in y o u r life a n d b rin g h a p p i­ ness to y o u r hom e, once its m essage is know n a n d u n d e r­ stood. C loth $1.00 Mounting up with Wings B y N o rth co te Deck The Confidence of Faith

D a i l y R e a d i n g s

ure and success.' The fortune and the works of many a popular and “prosperous” man will have perished in “the everlasting burnings” when the bankrupt whom he despised is shining “as the firmament and as the stars forever” in the courts above. Take heart, sad soul! earth’s failure is often Heaven’s truest and brightest success. F ebruary 23. “There followed him great multitudes, of people.”--Matt. 4:25. WHEN. Jesus Christ was upon earth people were always crowding into His presence^:: today they are running away from Him as fast as they can. Then, they would go miles to be where He was; now, the majority of them shrink away at the mention ¡of His name. What is the secret of the change? It is idle to attribute it to the vileness of the, human heart; men’s hearts are no worse now than they weie in the days of Pontius Pilate. The truth is, those multitudes saw Him as He was, and found Him strangely attractive; the people of today see Christ as we present Him to their gaze, and find Him equally repellent. If He were lifted up, He was to draw all men unto H im ; we have so exhibited Him that almost all men have been driven away. The Christian responsibility for this state of affairs is unspeak­ ably great, and appallingly serious. To have so misrepresented the Saviour and the Friend of men that they will have none of Him—what can be more terrible than that? God help each one of us who takes His name upon us to enquire what kind of Christ we are setting forth in our words and deeds. What idea of Jesus of Nazareth are men and women forming through the witness of our lips and of our lives? Men may be wicked, and are—but they are not usually such fools as to reject a good 'thing when they see i t ; we have not yet persuaded them that Christianity is a good thing. PRECIOUS, refreshing drops, falling in cooling showers upon the thirsty ground! Washing away alike the grime and the fetid germs from the polluted earth ! Causing the drooping flowers to lift up their heads and offer anew their incense of sweet odors to the skies! Cooling the burning air in which we pant as in a furnace. Bringing us new supplies of that water without which we cannot live! What a heaven-sent boon, what an untold blessing is the summer rain! Such is the advent of the Holy Ghost to the heart of man. Refreshment, life, beauty, purity, sweetness are in the gentle shower. “He shall come unto us as the rain,” a free gift to all who are willing to receive; sent ungrudgingly by the'Father of our spirits; His best gift, and Christ’s to men. Without the rain, life, adornment, fruitfulness were an impossibility: lacking the Holy Ghost the heart of man must be barren, torrid, bare; a dead Sahara, rather than a living vineyard bearing luscious and purple clusters to the glory of our Lord. “For every virtue we possess, And every victory won, . And every thought of holiness, Are His alone.” O God, evermore send this rain into our hearts! F ebruary 24. “He shall come unto us as the rain.”—Hos. 6:3.

By J. S tu a rt H olden, M. A. A choice volum e of devo­ tional m aterial, th e general tren d an d them e of w hich is th e n ecessity th a t h as arisen in th ese l a t e r days, fo r a stead y , deeply-rooted confi­ dence in th in g s th a t a re e te r­ nal. T h e troublous d a y s th ro u g h w hich th e w orld is now p assin g h as b ro u g h t p e r­ plexity to m any loving h earts. F o r all such a s well as for believers everyw here, Mr. H ol­ den’s new book b reath es a m essage of enheartenm ent. C loth $1.00 Living in the Sunshine B y H an n ah W h itall Sm ith A nother helpful devotional book of th a t jo y an d love th a t should fill every C h ristian ’s h eart. The w riter is gifted in unfolding th e S crip tu re an d in applying its precious tru th s. H er g re a t purpose here is to help C h ristian s to a realiza­ tion of th e joy of living a C hristian life. W e comm end th is book m o st w arm ly. _____________C loth $1.25 Songs in the Night By M alcolm J . M cLeod Satisfying, cheeringly w ritten for th o se w ho have been forced to d rin k of th e b itte r w aters of M arah, for those b e ­ set w ith doubt, for th o se who despair. S tudded w ith choic- ly chosen illu stratio n s and fittin g lite ra ry allusion. E ach ch ap ter has a m essage. _____________________ C loth $1.25

D r. D eck is a m issio n ary in th e S ou th Sea Islands. T his book, how ever, is n o t a n a rra ­ tiv e of m issio n ary experiences, b u t a settin g fo rth of th e p o s­ sibilities of th e life of faith . T here a re seventeen c h ap ters on such topics a s "R e-digging Old W ells," "C ivil W ar in th e Soul,” "M ounting u p w ith W in g s,” "N o G reater Jo y ," etc. S p iritu al an d helpful. C loth $1.25 By F ran ces Ridley H avergal This is one of th e "jo y an d stre n g th books.” It is th e a u ­ th o r’s ow n in te rp reta tio n of her w onderful song, "T ak e My Life a n d L et It Be C onse­ crated , Lord, to T hee." T he in sp iratio n of th is book will strik e a v ib ratin g co rd in the soul of every reader. C loth 75c The Spirit of Christ By A ndrew M urray T houghts on th e indw elling of the H oly S p irit in th e b e­ liever an d th e C hurch. The a u th o r show s th a t th e F a ­ th e r sen t th e H oly S pirit to m aintain in us, in Divine p o ­ w er, a blessed life of fellow­ ship w ith God, an d th is is ou r privilege.______ C loth $1.75 Kept for the Master’s Use

The Bible and Spiritual Life

By D r. A . T. P ierson A book th a t w ill do m uch to w ard deepening the sp iritu al life of everyone w ho reads it. It show s th e v ery v ita l relatio n ­ ship th a t th e Bible h as w ith th e sp iritu al life of th e C hristian a n a th en show s how th a t life can be developed by properly stu d y in g th e Bible. The follow ing are som e of th e im p o rtan t them es treated . The B ible a s God’s Book— The Bible as M an’s Book— T he Problem of th e Fam ily— The C hurch of God— The Problem of th e Individual Man— The W orld T h at Now is— apse U nseen W orld of th e S pirits— T he Problem of S alvation— The Problem of F aith— The Problem of P ray er— Fellow ship w ith God -—T he Problem of Service— T he Problem of Suffering— The P r blem of Providence— The M ystery of H isto ry . C loth $2.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If books a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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