King's Business - 1927-02


February 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“Best” Books for the Christian Life Books of exceptionally helpful character Deeper Experiences of Famous Christians By J. G ilchrist L aw son T h e C ream of In sp iratio n al L ite ra tu re T hese accounts of rem a rk ab le o u tp o u rn in g s of the H oly S pirit a re given as n e arly as possible in th e w ords in w hich these fam ous C hristians expressed them . T h e book leads y o u rig h t in to th e sto reh o u se of G od’s boundless riches. It tells of the m ost w o nderful experiences in th e lives of such c h a ra c te rs as S avonarola, Fenelon, John B unyan, Jo h n W esley, Billy B ray, P e te r C artw rig h t, F in ­ ney, F ran ces H avergal, Moody, G eneral Booth, and others. C loth $1 .5 0 Life More Abundantly By A. B. Sim pson Earnests of the Coining Age By A. B. Sim pson

D a i l y R e a d i n g s

F ebruary 25. "There is no difference.’’—Rom. 3:22.

GOD has no favorites. He may treat His children differ­ ently; to some He may give higher manifestations of His glory, a closer intercourse with Himself, than to others; it is that they are more fit for the honor, not that He loves them more. Some He may permit to walk constantly in the. shadows and amid the rough places of earth; He does so because they need the disci­ pline, not that He loves them the less. Nay, to some He will minister the abundant entrance to the glories and joys of Heaven, while to others He will say: “Depart” ; yet He so loved them all that He gave His Son to die for the latter as. truly as for the former, and no heart will grieve more over a man’s eternal loss than that of the great ALL Father who willeth not the death of one. God has no favorites: with our human preferences, we can scarce realize this truth. We cannot help but love some of our fellow creatures more than we do others; we are not strong enough to deal with them all alike, we are swayed by our partial­ ities. Let us remember that God never is! The weakest and most sinful soul is as dear to Him as the greatest saint who ever trod the earth. Wilful persistence in sin will ultimately produce eternal separation from the presence of God, but it will not alter the fact that He has loved us “with an everlasting love.” IT is not the great calamities of life that wear out the hearts of men, but the daily succession of petty vexations and cares. The disappointments, the anxieties, the misunderstandings, the failures, the fears, (all trifling things, taken separately) which crowd one upon another in life’s experience, are like “pricks in the eyes and thorns in the sides” and, though not really serious troubles, exhaust our nervous energy until the very grasshopper becomes a burden, and we grow irritable, morose, unhappy in ourselves and a great trial to our friends. There, is but one remedy for this condition of affairs: it is to cast our petty annoyances upon God. We carry our really crushing sorrows to the Throne of Grace—with the result that they fail to crush— but we do not think it worth while to ask Him to take the thorn out of our finger: nay, we are not sure that we ought to trouble the Almighty with such trivialities; and the consequences are dis­ astrous to our spiritual and mental life. Let us learn the lesson that nothing which affects His children is a trifle in our Father’s eyes. He is as willing to soothe and heal when we are afflicted with a pin prick as He is to bind up a broken heart. “Tell God,” is a motto that should occupy a conspicuous place in the soul of every Christian. F ebruary 261 "A pricking brier.” — Ezek. 18:24.

T his volum e co n tain s th irty - one m essages from th ree to five p ages in length. These m essages a re sh o rt serm ons b ased on d ifferent t e x t s . T h roughout th e 132 pages of th e volum e, th e richness of th ese m essages is realized when read. One can ’t read it w ith o u t being enriched in his ow n sp irit. C loth 85 cts. By P e te r Ainslie T his little book is designed fo r all believers in Jesu s, and especially fo r th o se w ho have recently entered in to the blessed relationship of a d o p ­ tio n in to th e holy fam ily of th e H eavenly F ath er, an d so it m ay be called a p rim er for th e beginners in C hristian liv­ ing. B oards 50c God’s Best Secrets By A ndrew M urray The a u th o r s a y s : “ It is o u r privilege to d is­ cover th e ‘S ecrets’ w hich will fill us w ith joy unspeakable an d full of glory and m ake us of g re a te r value to ou r fam ily an d friends a n d th e . w orld.’’ This volum e is excellent for daily m ed itatio n on the Secret of P ray er, th e S ecret of P o ­ w er, the Secret of A doration, etc. It w as w ritten b y one of th e m o st deeply sp iritu al m en of recen t y ears. To read ju st one ch ap ter of th is books is to be d raw n closer to God. C loth $2.00 God and Me

A selection of tw en ty se r­ m ons by A. B. Sim pson. These a re am ong th e b e st he preached. The a u th o r of^ these serm ons lives over again, as one reads th e book. V ery few m en of the p u lp it had th e deep in sig h t in to scrip tu re th a t th e late Dr. Sim pson had. He w as a teach er a s well as a p re a ch ­ er, a n d his q u ality fo r te a c h ­ ing is m anifest th ro u g h o u t th is book. Send a copy a s a p resen t to som e preacher. C loth $1.25 Far Above Rubies By A gnes Sligh T urnbull These h e a rt sto ries of Bible w om en a re told from a w o­ m an’s p o in t of view w ith rare u n d erstan d in g and pow er of expression. They w ere w rit­ ten, n o t to s u b tra c t an y th in g from th e b eau ty of th e old. fam iliar n arrativ es, b u t to ad d som ething of freshness and reality to- the ch arac te rs and scenes aro u n d w hich th ey are woven, an d in th is th e au th o r h as m ade a valuable pontri- bution. C loth $2.00 The Revival We Need By O sw ald Sm ith Rev. Jo n ath a n G o f o r t h , th a t g reat rev iv alist of China, say s concerning th is volum e, “ Mr. Sm ith’s book, ‘The R e­ vival W e Need,’ fo r its size is th e m o st pow erful plea fo r re ­ vival I have ever read. H ad I th e w ealth of a m illionaire I w ould p u t ‘The R evival We N eed’ in every C hristian hom e on th is co ntinent a n d confi­ d ently look fo r a revival w hich w ould sweep round th e w orld.’’ C loth 85c; P a p e r 35c

Fine Gold

By Jo sep h in e H o p e W estervelt A n ab so rb in g story, w ith a w ell-laid p lo t th a t keeps one guessing ab o u t th e outcom e to th e very last page, a n d y e t unu su ally full of sound C h ristian tru th an d a p ­ peal. T h e g re a te r p a r t of the sto ry is th a t of a y o u n g m issionary seeking fo r souls as o th er m en seek fo r gold in th e in te rio r of S outh Am erica, an d th e a u th o r has given m uch in form ation a n d a tru e glim pse of th e co n ­ ditions p revailing in o u r sister co n tin en t th a t will b e ar carefu l study. T h e re a re m any fine lessons fo r y o u n g p eople in th e book, a n d a charm ing rom ance runs th ro u g h th e w hole. C loth $1 .2 5 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If books a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

F ebruary 27. “Not with observation/’f^Luke 17:20. ■

ALMOST all God’s constructive processes are silent and unseen. The tornado, the thunderstorm, the earthquake, the waves, mountains high,-—all these may be seen and heard—but they are all forces of destruction. Who ever listened to the sunrise, or saw the grass grow, or beheld the caterpillar change within the chrysalis, or the coral island being built up in the southern seas? What eye has gazed upon the first advent or heard the approach of life, that most potent and most mysterious

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