King's Business - 1927-02

February 1927


B u s i n e s s

T h e

K i n g ’ s

“Best” Books (or the Christian Life Books that help us meet present day problems The Modern Triangle By S. J. Bole T h e a u th o r tak e s th e suggestive title of his book from th e th re e d om inant fe atu res of th e p re sen t tim es, viz., “a false science, a false philosophy, a n d a false religion; or Evolution, P a g a n P hilosophy a n d D estructive Criticism** (p . 14). H aving a t o n e tim e held these several false views, his discussion of them in th eir relatio n to tru e science, tru e philosophy, and tru e religion, is m ost h elp ­ ful an d suggestive. M r. Bole is a scientist, being P ro fes­ so r of Biology a t W h eato n C ollege, an d he finds no th in g in tru e science a t all in consistent w ith th e early c h ap ters of Genesis, o r w ith th e d o ctrin e of special creation. Indeed, his book is one m ore of th e m any w hich m ight be m entioned a s accum u latin g th e evidence ag ain st E vo­ lution. T his book will b e a p p re c ia te d by y o u n g p eople w ho a re investigating th e question, an d also b y those w ho have n o t had a technical train in g in the sciences, b u t y e t a re desirous of intelligently u n d e rstan d in g the questions a t issue. It is well w o rth a p lace in a n y library. $1.50 Things New and Old By D r. C. I. Scofield “In Christ Jesus”

D a i l y R e a d i n g s

our sins, do .not destroy the relationship: my watch is mine, whether it keeps good time or not; it is, still mine, even if it fails for awhile to keep time at all Happily our salvation does not depend upon our love for God, which may be variable and fickle, but upon God’s love for us, which is cbnstant, unalterable, enduring. This thought should not only save us from despair, it should stimulate us to live to His glory, Whose we are.

M arch 2. "They have ears, but they hear Hot." — Psa. 116:6.

SUCH are the gods of the heathen, and some men talk as though ,the LORD were like unto them. It is useless, they tell us, to pray; God is deaf to our petitions. He has wound the universe up, like a gigantic clock, and left it to go “according to law.” All our praying will not alter the course of events by a hairs'breadth. This is in flat contradiction to the declarations of Holy Writ and to the testimony of the ages. Moreover it is philosophically absurd. Suppose for a moment that the universe is governed solely by law : who can affirm that there is not a law of prayer? Our fathers would have deemed it impossible that we could communicate with our friends along a wire from Man­ chester to Liverpool; nay,-without a wire from London to Madrid. Yet there was a law, to them unknown, which has enabled us so to do. In like manner there may be a law of com­ munication with the Majesty of Heaven which we have not yet discovered, though we have discovered its results, as many a pious soul knows full well by experience. “Hands have they,” says the Psalmist concerning the idols, “but they handle not our God has “a mighty hand” and His arm is outstretched to save and bless. The universe is not left to itself ; that hand governs and guides its destinies'..;? “What is to be, will be,” is the blind fatalism of crass unbelief. HERE is a miracle in language 1 Men ask u s: “What is God?” and we babble to them of Omnipotence and Omniscience and Omnipresence, until they are more bewildered, but not more wise, than they were before. And then lo ! David comes and in six syllables brings the infinite within the comprehension of the simplest: “The LORD is my Shepherd." Not, be it noted, a sheep driver, hurrying the flock forward with a rod; nor even a Western shepherd to whom they are nothing but a flock, to be carefully tended, but of not much real interest to himself. No! but an Eastern Shepherd who has a name for every sheep, and loves them all. A shepherd who realizes that there is a wanderer, not because he has counted them, but because one black, familiar face is missing from the flock. A Pastor who goes before, that he may prepare the way for his helpless charge. One whose voice the sheep have learned to know, and whom they love with an affection and a confidence that they will give to none beside. Such is the Eastern shepherd; such is the LORD, our God! Tender, patient, pitiful, watchful, yet Almighty. How happy is the man or the woman who. can say with the Psalmist: “The LORD is my Shepherd” ; well may they add, in perfect assur­ ance : "I shall not want.” M arch 3. “The LORD is my shepherd." — Psa. 23:1.

T his book is a com bination of O ld a n d New T estam en t Bible Studies, covering very in terestin g h isto rical portions of th e O ld T estam en t a n d th e four G ospels. It also contains a num ber of lectures an d a d ­ dresses delivered a t Bible C onferences. Those w ho know th e sane and sp iritu al expo­ sitio n s of D r. Scofield will surely w an t th is book. ____________________ C loth $2.00 The Fundamentals T his se t of books contains articles on th e g reat fu n d a­ m ental doctrines of th e C hris­ tia n faith, w ritten by th e ab lest Bible scholars a n d Bible teach ers of th e w orld, and form s in itself a v eritab le li­ b ra ry of defense a g ain st the false teaching of th e p resen t day. W rite to us for free booklet giving th e ir h isto ry and co n ten ts. F o u r cloth bound volum es. $5.00 p er set Quiet Talks on the Crisis and After By S. D. G ordon T his vivid w riter h as stru ck to th e h e a rt of a su b ject m il­ lions a re th in k in g about. Eleven years of intensive stu d y of E uropean h isto ry an d p re ­ sen t day condidtions plus o th e r y ears of general stu d y a n d perso n al observation, have fitted him fo r th e ta sk . He sees a crisis heading up— a w orld crisis p redicted by th e Book, involving th e w orld’s leading nations. It will be te r­ rific to th e la st degree, a p p a r­ ently brief, and sp rin g s o u t of m an’s freedom of actio n u n ­ leashed from m oral re strain ts. T he hope of the w orld lies in w h at will em arge from th is crisis, an d th is hope is also briefly b u t scrip tu rally p re ­ sented. E asy of com prehen­ sion and restrain ed in la n ­ guage it will be eagerly read by those w ho seek an u n d er­ stan d in g of th e tim es in w hich we live. ___________C loth $1.25

By D r. A . T. Pierson T his book co n tain s a series of “key n o te,’’ Studies in the Pauline E pistles, th e p h rase “In C h rist’’ being th e central them e of each stu d y . T he a u ­ th o r in his in tro d u ctio n say s: “ W e see th e v ital im portance of th e p h rase ’In C hrist’ in the fact th a t th ese w ords unlock an d in te rp re t every sep arate book in th e New T estam ent. H ere is God’s own key w hereby we m ay open all th e vario u s doors and en ter all th e g lo r­ ious room s in th is p alace b eau ­ tiful.’’ If you like good B iblical in te rp reta tio n s th a t are filled w ith real soul food, b u y th is book. C loth $1.50 The High Way By C aroline A tw ater M ason IA novel w hich challenges the religious w orld Is th e chu rch threaten ed w ith division by opposing fac­ tio n s im possible to reconcile? U pon a b ro ad er canvas th an heretofore, an d w ith all the p ath o s a n d hum or a n d real­ ism w hich distinguished M rs. M ason’s earlier sto ries, she show s in h er novel th e p ro b ­ lem of th e m in istry during th e p resen t religious crisis. Into th is new novel w ith its c h arm ­ in g love sto ry an d vivid glim pses of m odern social life, M rs. M ason introduces a v ital issue, w hich is now generally recognized, an d w hich bids fair to divide th e C hristian chu rch today. Fundam ental­

ists an d m odernists alike are recognizing in M rs. M ason’s fascin atin g sto ry a w ay to a b e tte r u n d erstan d in g of each o th e r’s difficulties. A b o o k th a t no activ e C hristian can afford to overlook. C loth $2.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If books a re to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal,

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