King's Business - 1927-02

February 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

still hangs over the door. You must take down ‘Smith and Jones’ and put up one reading, ‘Brown and Jones.’ ” The old sign came down and the new sign was put up. A notice was also put in the windows, and on the doors and in the newspapers. It read about as follows: “John Smith and George Jones have dissolved partnership. John Smith retiring from the business. Charles Brown has been admitted to the firm and Brown and Jones will continue at the old stand.” Everybody read it, and trade picked up. Reader, have you let the world know that you have renounced the devil and all his works ? It must be done. Then hang out your sign. Put on the armor of light. You have broken partnership with the devil, who was running your spiritual interests, have you? Then why not take down the old sign ? ^ A Time of Anxious Inquiries In many cases an unsaved business man may miss one or more of his employees in the morning, they having been “taken” during the night to blissful regions on high. There will be some anxious inquiries by large firms as to the non-appearance of some men and women holding responsible positions, perhaps even to the more or less paralyzing of business. “Where are they ?” or “Are they sick?” ox “why are they not on hand?” Such and similar inquiries will be, made, Jesus gives the true answer, "Taken.” Unusual excitement will prevail. Possibly some, knowing the letter of God’s Word, and with blanched faces, will tremblingly ask,. “I wonder if this is the fulfillment of what I heard last Sunday in a ser­ mon on 1 Thess. 4:14-18, but was indifferent to the message.” But of all the sad occurrences when Jesus comes, it would seem that the fate ofUnprepared preachers will be the most melancholy. For, verily some will be “left.” Their protest of “Have we not prophesied in Thy name?” will be met with the disappamting reply, “Depart from me! ”;/“? v T J /V-feu But what will it mean to all persons everywhere, both in and out of the church, who will not be “taken” when Jesus suddenly “shall descend from heaven” to gather his own real followers to himself ? While a somewhat enlarged answer might, be given, let this brief but startling reply from the holy Scriptures suffice for the present: “Then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be!” Dear reader, shall not these significant words of Jesus Christ lead you to a greater interest in the subject of His “second coming?” M What a L ittle Sin Does Henry Ward Beecher once said that you need not break the glasses of a telescope or coat them over with paint, in order to prevent you from seeing through them. Just breathe upon them, and the dew of your breath will shut out all the stars. So it ‘does not require great crimes to hide the light of 1 God’s countenance. Little faults can do it just as effectively. There is in Rome an e l e g a n t fresco, by Guido,—“The Aurora.” It covers a high ceiling. Looking up at it from the pavement, your »neck grows stiff, your head dizzy, and the figures indistinct. The owner has placed a large mirror near the floor. You may now sit at your leisure, look into the mirror, and with­ out fatigue, study the fresco that is above you. In Christ, as in a mirror, we may behold the glory and truth and grace of God. God has come to us in His Son who is “the express image of His person” (Heb. 1 :3) the full revelation of deity to man (Jno. 1:18).

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