King's Business - 1927-02

February 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“One Taken, the Other L e ft” R ev . A . W. O rwig , L os A ngeles A LTHOUGH I shall not occupy space to state the details of the primary meaning of the above words of Jesus Christ, they nevertheless constitute an exceed­ ingly apt illustration of a future stupendous occurrence. “One taken” will be experienced by many to their inex­ pressible joy, and those “left,” perhaps a greater number, to their great consternation. And, 'b e it remembered, that Christ spoke the words in connection with several times mentioning the fact of his coining again, an event regarded with strange indifference by not a few even pro­ fessed Christians. But let us more particularly consider the words, “One taken, the other left.” At the return of Jesus some peo­ ple will be engaged in their usual occupations or pleas­ ures, while others will be asleep at night, according to which side of the globe they are living. Jesus speaks of “two men in one bed, the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left,” that is, one will ascend on high, the other left to ¿ dreadful fate. Ah yes, when the Lord Jesus comes suddenly, “in the twinkling of an eye,” or like a flash of lightning, and “in such an hour as ye think not,” very often will two persons be found in one bed. doubtless in many cases husband and wife, “one taken and the other left.” How sad the sudden separation will be, because of one not having been ready for the. tragic change ! Thè one left may not even know of the other having been “caught up” until the usual time for rising. Oh man, will it be yourself to be “left” below, while your godly wife shall have been “taken up,” but who, unavailingly,: often be­ sought you to be reconciled to God ? Or will it be you, unsaved woman, who will be “left,” and your Christian husband “taken” and “to meet the Lord in the air” in great rapture? Or shall both you and your husband be “left” and your irresponsible little chil­ dren be “taken?” Or shall the accountable children be “left,” having been heedless of loving entreaties to become Christians? Or an unsaved young woman, sleeping with her pious sister, will be “left,” notwithstanding the effort of the latter one to persuade the former to give her heart and life to God. Or a young man will not be “taken,” while his Christian brother will go up to “ever be with the Lord.” Oh desolate households where some will be “taken” and others “left” ! One wonderful thing about the Christian life is that from wholesome fun, we can immediately delve into the deeper spirit­ ual things of God. After the program, the Lord’s Supper was administered to those present and a wonderful blessing was given to the hearts of all. Dr. Maclnnis presided at the Sacra­ mental Feast— “There is a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel’s vein, And sinners plunged beneath .that flood, Lose all their guilty stain.” As I laid my head on the pillow last night, what a peace came to me! What a joy there was in thinking over the day! How I did thank God for this Thanksgiving Day at dear old B. I ! —Alice Louise Studer. Room 644, Bible Institute, L. A. “ Thanksgiving Day a t Bible In stitu te” (Continued from page 108)

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