The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.12

104 The Fundamentals center our prayers. Every minister and every Christian should have a prayer list, i. e., he should write at the top of a sheet of paper the following words (or words to the same effect) : “God helping me, I will pray earnestly and work per­ sistently for the conversion of the following persons:” Then he should kneel before God and ask God definitely and in the most thoughtful earnestness and sincerity, to show him whom to put on that prayer list, and as God leads him to put different persons on that prayer list, he should write their names down. Then each day he should go to God in very definite prayer with that prayer list and cry to God in the earnestness of the Holy Spirit for the conversion of these indi­ viduals and never cease to pray for them until they are defi­ nitely converted. If there were space we could record most marvelous instances of conversion in many lands as the out­ come of such prayer lists. Second, we should pray for the individual church and com­ munity. Pray definitely for a spiritual awakening, pray that the members of the church be brought onto a higher plane of Christian living, that the church be purged from its present compromise with the world, that the members of the church be clothed upon with power from on high and filled with a passion for the salvation of the lost. We should pray that through the church and its membership, many may be con­ verted and that there be a genuine awakening in the church and community. Any church or community that is willing to pay the price can have a true revival. That price is not build­ ing a tabernacle and calling some widely-known evangelist and putting large sums of money into advertising and following other modern methods. These things may all be right in their place, but they are not the price of a revival. The price of a revival is honest, earnest prayer in the Holy Spirit, prayer that will not take no for an answer. Let a few people in any church or community get thoroughly right with God them­ selves, then let them band themselves together and cry to God

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