The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.12

44 The Fundamentals can establish this human sympathy, we have gone a great way toward reaching others. Another most effective way must be through the Sunday School and through the regular channels of active association. Whatever we can do to bring to others the positive need of settling this question for one’s self, communicants’ classes, catechetical classes, individual pastor’s classes, all such methods should be used. A pastor should get into the public and pri­ vate schools of the boys and girls of his own parish, to know where they live and what their work is and what their prob­ lems are, and then he should plan in some way to meet them individually. A pastor should go to the various Sunday School classes in his own Sunday School, not regularly or at stated times, but sometimes informally or by definite arrangement with the teacher, thus getting into touch with the scholars and meeting them upon their own ground. He should also arrange special classes, to meet them and talk over their relationship to Christ. All through the church, he should have those who are so interested in individuals that they will take to him the special cases and refer them to him. But after all, the greatest method in the world, the greatest means of all in winning others to Christ, is that of persistent, patient, faithful prayer. This, followed by action and asso­ ciated with all the details of service, will be rewarded. Times of revival will spring up. Others will wish for special services and methods and will suggest them, and before we know it our churches will be alive with a newness of material, and we will find that men and women are not only crying out, “What must we do to be saved ?” but “How may we win others to the Master?” We will all become “workmen who need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth,” and we will realize that God’s Word shall not return to Him void, but “shall accomplish that whereunto it is sent.” Surely, “He that winneth souls is wise.”

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