The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.12

51 The Sunday School’s True Evangelism recognition to education as the duty and privilege of the Christian, but it does not substitute education for salvation. The evangelistic Sunday School holds up the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of men, accepting the Word of the Holy Spirit that “neither is there any other name under heaven, that is given among men, wherein we must be saved.” And because no man or created being can save another created being that is spiritually lost, the uncreated deity of Jesus as Saviour is recognised and declared. The new birth, accom­ plished by the Holy Spirit in the one who believes in Jesus Christ as Saviour, marks the passage from death unto life,— that is the Gospel of the evangelistic Sunday School. The workers in such a Sunday School know that no human being can save a soul; they know that no human being, nci matter how faithfully and truly he tells the story of salvation and offers the Gospel invitation, can win another soul to Christ or enable that soul to believe on Christ as Saviour. It is recognized that this act of acceptance and belief is not the result of human teaching or telling or persuading or inviting, but is a supernatural work of God. Therefore the evangelistic teacher depends chiefly upon prayer to succeed in the chief mission of the Sunday School. The teacher recognizes that prayer is the great secret, the great essential of effective evan­ gelism. The evangelistic teacher prays souls into salvation before even expecting to be used to that end in teaching or personal conversation. Not all so-called Sunday Schools are evangelistic. Not all are being supernaturally used of God in the miraculous work of bringing lives into the new birth and the new life in Christ Jesus. There are dangers that threaten the Sunday School of today probably more than in any preceding generation. These dangers not only threaten; they are disastrously and effectively at work in many schools. The undermining work of the destructive criticism has crept into Sunday School lesson helps. Not only in so-called

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