The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.12

largely devoted to evangelism at home and abroad. Every one invited to write on some phase of this work has accepted our invitation with the exception of Dr. Andrew Murray. He seemed to be the logical person to write the article on “The Place of Prayer in Evangelism.” He wrote us expressing his earnest desire to do this work, but declining to do it because of his increasing age and the multiplicity of duties that were pressing upon him. There is a large circle of prayer of men and women in all parts of the earth who know God, who are upholding before Him the work of “T he F undamentals .” We earnestly request other men and women who believe in prayer and who know how to pray to join this circle of prayer, that in answer to believing and united prayer the truth may have new power and that a world-wide revival of religion may result. All editorial correspondence in connection with “The Fundamentals” should be addressed to the Executive Secretary of The Fundamentals, 1945 La France Avenue, South Pasa­ dena, California. As this is the closing volume of the series, of course no other manuscripts should be submitted by anybody. I f any one has submitted a manuscript which has not been re­ turned, we shall be glad to return it, i f stamps are sent for that purpose and i f it is in our hands. All business correspondence should be addressed to The Testimony Publishing Company, 808 North La Salle Street, Chicago, III., U. S. A. (A fter May 1, 1915, to 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.)

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