■ ensure appropriate ventilation; disinfect the surfaces which different people touch (e.g., tables or door knobs); ■ minimize sharing of personal stuff; ■ wash your hands; ■ do not touch your face with dirty hands; ■ sneeze and cough the right way—into a tissue or your elbow. You do not need masks—those are only for healthcare workers and people who take care of patients at home. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) considers it wrong to use masks in other cases: during the times of deficit there is no access to them for those people who really need them. WHO also pleads to use themwisely because of the mask shortage worldwide. Besides, masks can give people a false feeling of protection and, as a result, they would neglect other precautions. There are no official recommendations to wear masks to avoid infecting other people, while the deficit is a one hundred percent real thing.
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