King's Business - 1957-06


ju st a little about Jesus in th e Span ­ ish language. T h e y would want to know H im well. T h e re are m any, m any tribes who do not understand the Spanish language. Can’t you come, you? W h a t does the W ord o f Jesus say? Does it not say, go into a ll the world and preach the gospel? Th ink of th a t word. W e here cannot go fa r away. W e have no m oney to go in search of God’s Word. Look at you. Now we cannot go where you are. You who first and fo r a long, long tim e have had the message of God, help us who come afterward. Don ’t you want to make brothers in Jesu s of the tribes folks here? W e ’re people w ith souls. W e also are God’s crea­ tion. Don’t be afraid o f us. Come. God w ill give to you un til you have all th a t is needed. I, Hwacha, a Piro, I have seen God’s help. I t is finished. Editor's note. This simple, powerful letter by a Piro Indian was recently sent to The K in g's Business by the Kenneth Strachans of Latin American Mission.

"My father was waiting, wanting to know God. 'Is God the sun or a star or a stone?’ he would say.” Search for God

M y Brothers in Jesus, I greet you. I m ay not have seen you but I have heard about you that you are there, you who have re­ ceived Jesus. I also have received Jesus, and I have translated the New Testament. 0 , how I rejoice! M y jo y reaches out far! I th ink of m y fa th er who is dead. He kept searching fo r God’s Word. H e always went fa r in his search for God’s Word. Th is is th e w ay he would ta lk when he told us about it. H e said he was waiting, wanting to know God. “ Is God the sun o r a star or a stone?” he would say. And then he told us that he went fa r off where there was a vine called “ayahuasca” which was said to cause one to see God. H e pressed

out its ju ice and drank it because he Wanted to see God. T h a t’s the way h e told it to us. Can it be th a t you th ink th a t the people of this land, the people of the land of Peru , a ll of them know God? Th ey do not know H im . T h e y sup­ pose H e lives on the earth. Some of them make any kind of a thing their God. Ju st now, this year, we fin ally have the message about Jesus. Since then I am sad because of those who live around me, those who speak other languages, those who need to hear about Jesus. T h e y cry in their souls! How fa r it reaches out, the sorrow w ith which I see them ! Because here in the land o f P eru some hear

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The King's Business/June 1957


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