King's Business - 1957-06

Conference, Inc., Highland Lake, Sullivan County, N.Y., Merle Fuller, Director. LE TOURNEAU CHRISTIAN CAMP— in New York State. Dates June 5-Sept. 8. A special feature is the camp's program for underprivileged chil­ dren. Address inquiries to Harold J. Seeley, P.O. Box 48, Canandaigua, N.Y. OCEAN CITY SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCE— 10 miles south of Atlantic City. Dates June 30- Sept. 1. Write David P. Wright, 603 10th St., Ocean City, NJ. PINE BUSH BIBLE CAMP— near Middleton, N.Y. Dates June 29-Aug. 24. For folder write How­ ard Klenk, 9120 Columbia Ave., North Bergen, NJ. SACANDAGA BIBLE CONFERENCE— upstate N.Y. Dates June 29-Sept. 2. For information write Irv. Chambers, Broadalbin, N.Y. STONY BROOK CONFERENCE— Dates July-Aug. Address inquiries to James E. Hill, Stony Brook, L.I., N.Y. VICTORIOUS LIFE CONFERENCE— Keswick Grove, NJ. Dates May 29-Sept. 2. For information write to Registrar, America's Keswick, Keswick Grove, Whiting Post Office, NJ. WORD OF LIFE— three divisions: inn, island and ranch. Deep in the heart of the Adirondacks. Dates June 22 to Sept. 2. For information write (before June 15) Word of Life, Box 511, New York 8, N.Y. SOUTH GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS BIBLE CONFER­ ENCES— Bryson City, N.C. June 8-16, Homer Hamontree, Paul Beckwith and others. July 13- 21, Charles H. Stevens, J. B. Marchbanks and others. August 10-18, Sidney Cox, W. Herbert Brown and others. Write for folder to Mrs. Fred Shuler, Bryson City, N.C. O RGAN IZAT IONAL CONFERENCES CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE— 260 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. YOUTH FOR CHRIST— Conferences throughout the U.S. For information write to Youth for Christ, 109 N. Cross St., Wheaton, III. END.

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facts Here are some interesting facts from last year for three of the West's leading conference grounds. FOREST HOME. Attendance: 7,937. One of the most unique conferences was the late sum­ mer college briefing conference where students from 89 differ­ ent colleges attended. H UM E LAKE. Attenda nee: 5,- 643. More than 4,000 college age and below. More than 300 decisions during summer. MT. HERMON . Attendance: 9,000. 2,000 college age and below. Celebrated 50th anni­ versary.

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The King's Business/June 1957


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