King's Business - 1957-06

fromtheeditor’s desk

A Good Vacation

In the y ea rly routine of more and more Christians th e summer B ible conference is becoming increasingly a “must.” M an y are discovering that it is much more worthwhile to be able to look back upon a summer’s vacation as a time of g reat spiritual blessing as well as physical refresh ­ m en t than m erely being able to look back upon the occasion as two weeks of aimless wandering or relatively valueless sight-seeing. T h e summer B ible conference provides the change of pace and change o f activ ity that is needed in the life of the average person, and it also provides an oppor­ tun ity for concentrated rejuvenation of one’s spiritual life as well. Th ere are m any types of conferences from which to choose. C ertain ly the selection should be made w ith a t least the follow ing values in mind: 1 ) A thorough Bible-centered program which honors and glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ throughout 2 ) A variety of types of meetings which w ill keep the conference from becoming monotonous 3 ) A program that is sufficiently fu ll so th a t one’s tim e does not drag or lack purpose 4 ) Ample opportunity for rest and meditation upon the things which have been heard and learned 5 ) A place sufficiently removed from the ord inary routine of life so th a t a definite change of environment m ay be enjoyed and remembered. In the B ible conference, some messages are directed by the Holy Sp irit p rim arily to fill the needs of particu lar individuals or groups. F o r this reason not all messages are of equal value to each conference member. However the speaker has probably prayed more d iligen tly for the leading of the Holy Sp irit as to what he should say than have any of the listeners; and the one who receives the greatest benefit is the one who recognizes that in every meeting there a re blessings to be received by the one who is seeking such spiritual blessing. It should be recognized th a t no conference program can possibly be arranged th a t would be ju st righ t for every type of individual, because the needs of one person differ from the needs of another. Even during the conference one must make those choices as regards attendance at meetings and other activities wh ich w ill be most d irectly beneficial to him from a spiritual and physical point of view. ADVAN C E IN FORM AT ION E or some time now we have been preparing our third annual Christian ity issue. These are the issues designed en tirely to appeal to those who have not y et received Jesus Christ as th e ir own Saviour. Because of your prayers and backing the first two such special issues were a tremendous success. T h e th ird annual issue now in preparation w ill come out in August. Th is much we can tell you now: it w ill b e com ­ p letely d ifferen t from either of the two earlier Christian ity issues. I t has been designed so it can be sent to those who received the first ones or to those who did not. W e definitely feel this w ill be the most important issue we have published of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . W on ’t you start praying now for it? — L. H.


Last summer, at the Christian Youth Camp .*t the foot of majestic Mount Olympus, be­ etle the blue Aegean Sea, 740 children from the slums and harvest fields of Greece were given a taste of what seemed to them to be heaven on earth. But little 12-year-old George could not laugh and sing with the rest. He was deaf and dumb, but the smartest fellow imagin­ able. He had no father, and was in danger of being led astray by bad company, when a good Christian friend in America made it possible for him to attend our camp. He could not hear the messages, but the loving, Christ-honoring environment reached his heart and made a marked change in him. Just recently, a woman who attended our Gospel meetings in Thessalonica was asked by one of our workers how she heard about us. We were moved to tears by her reply. "George, my neighbor, the deaf and dumb boy who is now in your Orphanage, led me to you. One day when I was dressed up to go out, he met me outside my house, and, taking me by the hand, pantomined that he wanted to take me somewhere to worship. I went with him and liked it so well that now my children are in the Sunday School too.” Another camp season is almost here and hundreds of eager children who are physic­ ally and spiritually undernourished are hop­ ing that they too will be sponsored at camp by some kind friend in America. For only $15 you can make a pale, thin face grow plump and rosy, and a love-starved heart overflow with the joy of Christ the Saviour. W ill some little boy or girl you send to camp include your name in a prayer of thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father this sum­ mer? Send your gifts to the American Mis­ sion to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto, Ont.)


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