King's Business - 1957-06



.TO SUNDAY SCHOOLS ! Bible-centered SundaySchool Lessons 0 You don ’t have to s e le c t m a te ria ls “ sight unseen” 0 You can avoid expensive mistakes £ T h e se lesson s b rin g you th e fin e s t ev a n g e lic a l Sunday sch o o l m a te ria ls available — in two plans A THE WHOLE BIBLE SERIES Departmentally graded— Especially effective in large Sunday schools Th is excellent series is planned to give students a pro* gressive mastery of the entire Bible as they move on up through the departments. Attractive, well-written materials include: teachers’ and pupils’ quarterlies, teaching pictures, handwork, Sunday school papers, table-top projects, seals. 0 TRUE-TO-THE-BIBLE SERIES A uniform lesson plan —Especially effective for smaller Sunday schools Permits same Scripture and lesson topic to be used throughout school— lessons graded for each age group. This series gives valuable teachings concerning the Christians’ walk and life. Excellent lesson materials include: teachers’ and pupils* quarterlies, flannel- graph, handwork, Sunday school papers, leaflets for visitors.

Outline helps and questions for personal and group study


Romans (continued)

S tudy Questions on C h ap ter 8 (C on tinu ed )


1. What is it that helps make the believer homesick for heaven? (v. 23.) 2. How does the Christian hope make the believer a patient person? (v.v. 24, 25.) 3. What is the further ministry of the Holy Spirit? (v. 26.) 4. How is the earnestness of the Spirit suggested in verse 26? 5. For what does the Holy Spirit pray through the believer? (v. 27.) S tudy Questions on C h ap ter 8 (C on tinu ed ) 1. Is there any connection between verses 26, 27 and verses 28-30? Could these latter verses be true without the former? 2. What wonderful confidence does the believer have according to verse 28? 3. Trace the chain of events in the salvation of the soul as given in verses 29, 30. Does this passage teach the security of the believer? 4. What blessed confidence comes to the believer in the light of verses 28-30? 5. What great proof does thè be­ liever have of the care and concern of God for His children? (v. 32.) (C on tinu ed ) 1. Why is it that no enemy of the believer can bring any successful accusation against him? (8:33.) 2. Why is it that no one can pos­ sibly bring condemnation against the child of God? (v. 34.) 3. When once a soul becomes the possession of God can that soul ever be separated from Him? (w . 35-39.) 4. How does Paul express his deep love and concern for the Jews? (9:1- 3.) What are the privileges of the Jew? (w . 4, 5.) S tudy Questions on C hap ters 8 an d 9


CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, Inc., 1507 n . Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa.

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M , Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.


For A New Day in Your Sunday School • • • Us€ SCRIPTURE CENTERED, ALL-BIBLE UN ION LESSON HELPS Upholding the Word of God, Union Sunday- school literature seeks always to present the Gospel -— ■ the heart of the Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ, the center of the Gospel message, is exalted, and the individual's need to accept His redeeming love is consistently stressed. ASSU Lesson Helps make Sunday school worthwhile. Samples available from Beginners through Adults. Write Dept. B7 American Sunday-School Union 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa.




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