King's Business - 1957-06


says ROY PRICE,*

Class o f ’57

b y C h e s t e r J. P a d g e t t

Westmont is not merely a lovely campus with beautiful buildings in a “storybook” Southern California setting —Westmont is an experience. The high scholastic standards, the bond of fellowship among students and between students and faculty, the strong Christian emphasis —these are some of the intangibles that give depth and dimension to a student’s life at Westmont.

Stu dy Questions on C h ap ter 9 (C on tinu ed ) 1. Although the entire nation of Israel had rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, does this mean that no Jew can be saved? (w . 6-13.) 2. What objection to his doctrine of the sovereignty of God in election did the apostle anticipate? (v. 14.) 3. How does he answer this objec­ tion? (w . 15-18.) 4. What further objection does Paul list? (v. 19.) 5. How does he answer this objec­ tion? (w . 20-24.) ( C on tinued) 1. What Scriptures does Paul use to show that God intended to save, not only a remnant of believing Jews, but also a remnant of believing Gen­ tiles? (9:25-29.) 2. How is it that Israel missed God’s salvation and that the Gentiles became the recipients of it? (w . 30- 33.) 3. What was the great error made by Israel? (10:1-4.) 4. How is the availability of salva­ tion taught in verses 5-13? 5. How does Paul show that Israel’s unbelief is inexcusable and unpar­ donable? (w . 14-21.) S tudy Questions on C h ap ter 11 1. Read Romans 11 through. What is the central truth taught by this chapter? 2. How does Paul show that God has not cast away all Jews just because they were Jews? (v. 1.) 3. What further proof does Paul bring to the fore in showing that God was not rejecting a ll Jews in this pres­ ent dispensation? (vv. 2-5.) 4. For what reason is there a rem­ nant at all, that is, a remnant of be­ lievers out of Israel? (w . 5, 6.) 5. What punishment did God bring S tudy Questions on C hap ters 9 an d 10

Westmont graduates are admitted to the University of California and other leading Universities of the world.

Applications now being received for the fall semester of the 1957-58 college year.

♦Roy Price was chosen by his colleagues to serve as student body president during the 1956-1957 terms. He also sang in the College quartet for two years. He

is a senior and will graduate in June.

For catalog write to Registrar . . .

W E S T M O N T C O L L E G E 955 LaPaz Road • Santa Barbara, California Leading Evangelical Christian College of the Southwest “ O N T H E S H O R E S O F T H E B L U E P A C I F I

From Your Editors

YOU & YOUR T ITHE Since 1910 T he K ing ’ s B usiness has been blessed with a world­ wide ministry. Both the magazine and its tract reprints are grow­ ing faster today than ever before. If the Lord has given you a vision as to what can be done through the printed page we would ask your consideration of our continually growing need. Why not set aside a part of your tithe each month for this ministry? Send to Tithe Dept., The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


The King's Business/June 1957

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