King's Business - 1957-06

Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, graduate of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.

I have been working on another book which is now available a t all Christian bookstores. It is ju st off the press. T h e title is, H ow to Un­ derstand an d In flu en c e Children . It concerns children between the ages of five and eight. It is for Sunday school teachers and for Christian parents. It makes specific sugges­ tions on how to teach children, how to understand th eir development and how to influence them for Christ. Dates Q. Dates in our crowd are always the same old stuff. W e ride around and then have something to eat. Since we don’t dance or go to shows, what is there to do? A. Use your ingenu ity and im agi­ nation to th ink up something d iffer­ ent. T h e re are barbecues, picnics, swimming, tennis, hiking, concerts, ball games, at-home-fun, parties, chu rch activities, Christian films, song fests, gospel teams and a host of other good times. No one has as m any in teresting th ings to do as a C h ristian ! Teen-age Problem Q. W h y do some teenagers have pimples on th e ir faces? A. During a d o l e s c e n c e the oil glands which are in the skin become very active. Th ese glands produce a g reat deal of oil wh ich sometimes collects in small pimples. These pimples m ay become swollen and infected. Teen -age people should use much soap and w ater to help elim inate excess oil. P len ty of sleep, sunshine and a well-balanced diet w ill also help control this skin diffi­ culty. In extrem e cases a doctor’s prescription m ay be necessary.

Malicious Talk Q. How can ch ildren ’s minds be fu ll of love for others when their Christian parents criticize relatives and friends in the children’s pres­ ence? Is it a sin to maliciously criti­ cize? A. You have put your finger on a very importan t m atter. Children do take th e ir cues from th e ir parents. T h e ir attitudes are molded each day by what they hear. Paren ts have a sacred responsibility to create a home environment wh ich is godly and happy. W h a t value is there in criticism? M any people en ter adulthood w ith a serious handicap — a criti­ cal, cyn ical disposition. T h e y ce r­ ta in ly w ere not born w ith it. Th ey learned it from th eir mother and father. God gives us definite in stru c­ tion about this: “L e t you r speech be alw ay w ith grace, seasoned w ith salt, that y e m ay know how ye ought to answer every m an” (Col. 4 : 6 ) . Paren ts who hab itually criticize others should daily p ray this prayer, “L e t the words of m y mouth, and the meditation of m y heart, be a c­ ceptable in th y sight, O Lord, my strength, and m y redeemer.” Future Plans Q. W h en graduating from high school, if you don’t know w hat vocation to go into, should you go to college? In other words, if your plans are not crystallized is college worth attending? A. If you qu alify for college by all means enroll. You do not need to know all about your fu ture vocation or profession before en tering col­ lege. In fact, one of the reasons why you should attend college is to learn

what your life ’s work should be. H ere are some of the things you can do in college to lea rn what vo­ cation you should follow : 1) Take a variety of courses. 2 ) T ake voca­ tional aptitude tests. 3 ) Compare yourself w ith others. 4 ) L isten to the challenges th a t are given in your assemblies and chapel services. 5 ) T ake part-tim e jobs. 6 ) P ra y for God’s guidance. Undoubtedly God w ill guide you as you do these things. Books Q. W e are a Christian fam ily w ith children ranging in age from fou r to eight. Can you suggest books that m igh t help us in raising our fam ily for Christ? A. M rs. N arramore and I have been using Ken T a y lo r’s new book for young children. I t is called, T h e B ib le in P ictu res fo r L ittle Eyes. It is the best I have seen fo r ch il­ dren from th ree to eight years of age. I t is published by Moody Press and is available at all Christian bookstores. Life & Love Every Christian hom e should have a copy of “L ife and Love” by Dr. Clyde M. Narramore. Sex education for teenagers and all those who counsel with them. Christ-centered. Cloth b i n d i n g , $2.50; paper, $1.50. (Add 12$ per book for post­ age.) For immediate shipment order your copy today. BIOLA BOOK ROOM 560 South Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

The King's Business/June 1957


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