The first phase of the current Transforming UCL programme and notably the major capital projects in Bloomsbury will be completed by the end of the academic year. This investment has made a significant difference to perceptions of the Bloomsbury estate across the UCL community, with the recent completion of the New Student Centre, Bloomsbury Theatre and interim Dementia Research Institute within the Cruciform building all significant milestones in the programme. In the four years since the start of the current capital programme (August 2014), 127 projects have been completed. This comprises of 76 major projects, 11 sustainability projects and 40 School small works projects, and a further 12 major projects are currently in construction.
Focus for the remainder of the years in the programme is the development of our new Estate Strategy, projects from the new strategy will be announced in Summer 2019. We will continue delivery of three large strategic projects (UCL East, Institute of Neurology (ION) /Dementia Research Institute (DRI) at the Eastman Dental Hospital site) and IoE Masterplan, alongside delivery of a significant number of smaller value projects (<£2m).
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