FMN | April 29th, 2019

ARC 35th Anniversary (Cont’d from Page 16)


room for us to differentiate ourselves with that tech- nology. Our field guys were so proud and eager to in- troduce this great technology to the marketplace.Then we went even further developing a solid-state laser en- graving system that became standard for the industry.” In addition to people and innovation, ARC Interna- tional is also committed to their industry. Heavily in-

Flexo Market News® is published bi-weekly by NV Business Publishers Corporation, in association with Board Converting News®, Corrugated Today® Recycling Markets®, International Paper Board Industry®, Folding Carton Industry®, and Board Converting News International. Editorial/Production offices: 540 W. Frontage Rd., Suite 3124, Northfield, Illinois 60093. Phone: (847) 441-5645, Fax: (847) 441-5652, Marketing and Circulation offices: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802, Phone: (732) 245-3702. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $60 per year or $105 for two years. Overseas rate per year $80 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $5.00 in U.S. (elsewhere $7.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & han- dling. No part of this publication may be transmitted or repro- duced without permission from the publisher. ARC International Now Hiring!! Celebrating their 35th anniversary, ARC International is a ZRUOGOHDGHULQWKHIDEULFDWLRQDQGUHPDQXIDFWXULQJRISUHFL - VLRQUROOVDQGVOHHYHV:LWKVWDWHRIWKHDUWSURGXFWLRQIDFLO - LWLHVLQERWK&KDUORWWH1&DQG/DV9HJDV19$5&,QWHUQD - WLRQDOPDQXIDFWXUHVDIXOOUDQJHRIDQLOR[UROOVDQGVOHHYHV DLUPDQGUHOVFDUERQÀEHUFKDPEHUV\VWHPVJOXHDQGPHWHU UROOVIHHGDQGSXOOUROOVDQGPXFKPRUHIRUWKHÁH[RJUDSKLF SULQWLQJLQGXVWU\ 'XHWRRXUFRQWLQXHGJURZWK$5&,QWHUQDWLRQDOLVQRZVHHN - LQJ LQVLGH DQG RXWVLGH VDOHV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV &DQGLGDWHV VKRXOGKDYHDZRUNLQJNQRZOHGJHRI)OH[RJUDSKLFSULQWLQJDQG EHFRPSXWHUOLWHUDWH([FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGWLPHPDQ - DJHPHQWVNLOOVDORQJZLWKDWWHQWLRQWRGHWDLODUHDOOUHTXLUHG 7KHVH FKDOOHQJLQJ QHZ SRVLWLRQV RIIHU D FRPSHWLWLYH VDODU\ERQXV DQG EHQHÀWV SDFNDJH 4XDOLÀHG FDQGL - GDWHV DUH DVNHG WR VXEPLW D UHVXPH LQ FRQÀGHQFH WR ARC International is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Shane Osborne uses an interferometer to inspect an anilox roller.

volved with associations, the firm has been the Plati- num Sponsor of TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry) and AICC (Association of Independent Corrugated Converters) events for 11 out of 12 years. “We know there is great benefit in bringing industry leaders together for technical pre- sentations and trade shows,” Foran noted.“Exchange of knowledge between customers and suppliers has always been and will always be crucial to the health of our industry.” Good Fortune Foran feels most fortunate to have worked through the years with large integrated companies as well as many independent companies and press manufac- turers. ARC offers an inventory control program for bigger operations and is equipped to meet the logis- tics needs of firms that have many locations.“Putting a logistics program in place and being a full-service provider means we have the resources to satisfy the needs of the corrugator as well as wide web flexo op- erations,” Foran said. So, what’s next for the man from Manchester and his committed crew after the last slice of 35th Anni- versary cake has been consumed? Anything and ev- erything they can do to fulfill their first and foremost objective — helping their customers succeed now and in the future.

Robyn Smith - President/Publisher Len Prazych - Vice President

Greg Kishbaugh - Editor/Co-Publisher Phone: (317) 306-1060 email:

Michelle McIntyre - Production Manager Christine Eckert - Accounting Manager Jackie Schultz - Contributing Editor T.J. Vilardi - Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator

Tom Vilardi (1961-2018) Chairman Ted Vilardi (1933-2013) - Founder ©2019 NV. Publications All Rights Reserved

18 April 29, 2019 Flexo Market News

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