Your Mission
• Prov ide leadersh ip for the proper t y on al l f i nanc ial and operat ional act i v i t ies and ass i st the Proper t y Manager i n thei r respons ibi l i t ies as needed . • Resident Relations • Mai ntai n pos i t i ve customer serv i ce out look and manage res ident complai nts wi th the Proper t y Manager. • Promote harmon ious relat ions among res idents , staf f, and the commun i t y.
• Accounting and Systems
• Ass i st wi th prepar i ng f i nanc ial repor ts , budgets , revenue project ions , and var iance anal ys i s . Prov ide ass i stance for the corporate account i ng depar tment as necessar y. • Rev iew, code, and enter approved i nvoi ces i n accordance to company standards and pol i c ies . • Commun i cate any del i nquenc ies or concern i ng s i tuat ions wi th Proper t y Manager regu lar l y. • Ensure that al l leases have been cor rect l y entered , i nc l udi ng but not l imi ted to lease dates , rental amounts , bi l l i ng dates , res ident ial i nfo, and guarantor i nformat ion . Audi t lease f i les to mai ntai n accuracy and cons i stency. • Ensure al l res idents are ass igned to the appropr iate apar tment and are moved- i n , moved- out , and t ransfer red when necessar y. Mai ntai n accurate records and f i les of a res ident that has i ndi cated they wou ld l i ke to modi f y thei r lease.
• Property and Maintenance
• Ensure i nspect ions are documented and bi l led appropr iatel y. • Charge res idents appropr iatel y for al l bi l lable mai ntenance and repai rs . • Generate and del i ver not i ces to res idents for lease v iolat ions and/or f i nes . • Ass i st i n seek i ng qual i f ied vendors to recei ve bids for turn-over. mai ntenance • Help mai ntai n al l vendor i nsurance i nformat ion i n the Insurance Log .
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