Leasing, Marketing and Public Relations
• Suppor t wi th the successfu l lease-up of your proper t y. • Champion the needs of your customers , leadi ng by example and demonst rat i ng a personal des i re for h igh level s of serv i ce i n al l i nteract ions . • Seek i nformat ion f rom res idents , future res idents , and prospects regardi ng the proper t y and prov ide i nformat ion to Proper t y Manager.
• Risk Management
• Ident i f y potent ial l iabi l i t y i ssues to mi n imi ze r i sk exposure and losses by commun i cat i ng any phys i cal fac i l i t y and res ident safet y concerns to the Proper t y Manager and/or Fac i l i t ies Manager. • Ensure vendors have the requ i red i nsurance coverage and cer t i f i cat ion before work i s per formed ; Rev iew al l serv i ce cont racts wi th corporate legal depar tment .
• Human Resources
• Ass i st Proper t y Manager payrol l act i v i t ies , i nc l udi ng but not l imi ted to generat i ng t imesheets and leas i ng commi ss ions and other related payrol l documents are i n compl iance, and ass i st i ng wi th schedu l i ng of par t-t ime employees . • Ass i st i n always mai ntai n i ng h igh employee morale and lead by example.
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