• Your Track Record
• Exper ience i n proper t y operat ions and/or leas i ng i n the student hous i ng or res ident ial proper t y management i ndust r y. • Excel lent customer serv i ce and res ident relat ions t rack record . • Exper ience wi th f i nanc ial s and budgets st rongl y prefer red ; bas i c Mi crosof t Excel exper ience requ i r
• Your Style
• Energet i c , dr i ven , and enthus iast i c . • Abi l i t y to j uggle mu l t iple projects at once.
• Superb abi l i t y to commun i cate c lear l y and conc i sel y. • Eagerness to prov ide best i n c lass res ident exper ience. • Organ i zed and tech savvy.
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