King's Business - 1940-10

October, -1940


T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S

diers. The Romans had conquered Pal­ estine, but this Ro­ man centurion was kind to the Jews and built them a synagogue. For this reason, when the servant who was s-wvision dear to him was near dying, the Jews came to tell him about the Lord Jesus who could heal the sick and raise the dead. The centurion felt he was not worthy to have Jesus come for a visit, but he knew the Lord Jesus Christ had the power of God, because sickness and death obeyed him, so the Jewish friends were sent to ask the Lord Jesus to please heal thè centurion’s sick servant. LESSON STORY: The Lord Jesus Christ is “King of kings, and Lord of lords,” but He is Just as ready to help the poor and lowly as the rich and mighty, so He was willing to go to heal the servant. The centurion was an Important per­ son, but he felt unworthy to come him­ self or to have so great a guest enter his home. He sent friends to Jesus say­ ing, “Lord, trouble not thyself; . . . but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.” Because the centurion com­ manded his soldiers and they obeyed, he understood that all things in heaven and in earth would obey the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. It' pleased the Lord Jesus that this heathen centurion understood and trusted Him, and He made the sick servant well that very hour. We should be kind like the Lord Jesus, when others are suffering, whether they are rich or poor. And we, too, should believe in our Saviour’s great power.

those who die. At least, this is true of the Christian. While we who go on living are not as those who have no hope, still the death of friends and loved ones brings the sorrow of bereavement, a fact clearly recognized by our Lord with His great heart of compassion. And therefore our Lord was interested not only in restoring sick men to health and bringing dead men back to life, but also in changing sorrow into gladness and giving the “oil of joy for mourning” (Isa. 61:3). Thus Luke tells us,'in the Case of the healed servant, that he “waa dear” to his master the centurion (7:2). And in the case of the raised son, we find that he was “the only son of his mother, and she was a widow” (7:12). How beautiful! Surely, we do have a High Priest who can be truly touched with the feeling of our infirmities. 3. “For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue. iVien Jesus went with them” (7:5, 6). Many cen­ turies before, to Abraham, God had promised that He would bless those who were kind to Israel. And here our Lord Jesus shows that the ancient promise will be kept, as He goes to help the centurion who loved the Jew. Golden Text Illustration J ohn 10:10 The city of Altoona, Pennsylvania, during a great drought, was compelled to curtail its use of water because the little mountain stream that fed and filled its reservoir dried up or was greatly diminished. But in another large city, in the same state and in the same drought .district, there was the sound of abundance of water. The fountain at the city’s center, overflowing its basin as before, gurgled on out to gladden man and beast as it furnished them of its abundance. How like two lives are these two cities! The time of drought: the trial time—the testing time—how parched the lips—how the life lacks vi­ tality . . . how much of comfort is can­ celed! There is life, but it is sickly and unsatisfying. How different another life that lives in God’s abundance—that laves its face and bathes its body and drinks large draughts from His water fountain and is rejuvenated, made young in God’s abundance! Which of these lives is thine today? Which shall be thine in days and years to come?— Adapted from The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo. MEMORY VERSE: “I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have doneito you” (John 13:15). APPROACH: Beside the Sea of Gali­ lee, in the city of Capernaum, lived a centurion whose servant was very sick and going to die. A centurion was a Roman soldier, like a captain, for he led and commanded one hundred aol- How Jesus Treated a Servant L uke 7

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