TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
October, 1940
ment, not divine grace. Why interpre ters choose to ignore this fact is hard to understand, especially since the .Lord Himself declared it was so. In the par allel account of Matthew, the disciples immediately ask Him, “Why speakest thqji unto them [the multitude] in para bles?” (13:10). And the answer is in the following verse: "Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” And in the Luke account
fruit is brought forth simply by allow ing the Word of God to have free ac cess and full control of the heart and li*“. (cf. John 15:14-16).
n . T h e R e a s o n f o r t h e P a r a b l e (9, 10) Many think that our Lord spoke in parables in order to make His meaning clearer to His hearers and give them opportunity to understand His words. The opposite is the truth and is the rea son ior Christ’s speaKing in parables, as these verses clearly reveal. He spoke in parables in order that those whose character was like the hardened, rocky, or thorny ground, and who wilfully refused His grace, might hear the words, but not experience the richness of their meaning. There are mysteries of the kingdom of God which can be spoken of in the simplest terms, and yet be wholly without meaning to the hardened, rocky, and thorny-ground hearers (cf. Isa. 6:9; 1 Cor. 2:14). m . T h e E x p l a n a t io n o f t h e P a r a b l e (11-15) The seed is the Word of God, sown far and wide wherever men dwell, with out reference to the character or .con dition of those to whom it goes. The wayside hearers are those from whom the devil snatches away the Word as it is preached. This power of the enemy is not provided by his own abil ity, but by the character of the hearer. Hardened against allowing the Word to obtain entrance to his heart, the hearer becomes a prey to the evil one, who grasps his opportunity to steal the seed and to rob the individual of conviction for sin which God’s Word always brings. The rocky-ground hearers are those who listen only to the promises of good in the gospel, and who, knowing noth ing of the rebellion of the human heart against the truth, receive the Word with joy. But the seed, the Word of God, arouses opposition against all who re ceive it, and these rocky-ground hearers are those for whom the opposition has greater influence than the promises of God. "In time of temptation," or “when tribulation or persecution ariseth be cause of the word" (Matt. 13:21), these hearers fall away. The thorny-ground hearers are those who allowed the affairs of this world to interfere with the growing of the seed. The interference comes in three chan nels: cares, riches, and pleasures of this, life. Nothing is said about the evil of these things (they may be present with one who brings forth fruit), but when they “take the primary place in the life, they choke the Word and the hearer becomes unfruitful. The good-ground hearers are those who receive the Word into honest hearts. They hear the Word, “keep it,” or hold it fast, and bring forth fruit. Note that fruitage comes with “patience.” The seed will grow of itself if given proper opportunity. The Christian is chosen and ordained to bring forth fruit, and
Points and Problems
1. “He spake by a parable” (Lk. 8:4). It cannot be said too often that the turning of our Lord to the parabolic method of teaching at this particular time was an evidence of divine judg
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