King's Business - 1940-10

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

October, 1940


NOVEMBER 24, 1940 GRATEFUL FOR EVERYDAY BLESSINGS C olossians 3:17; E p h e sia n s 5:20; I s a ia h 63:7 The Leader’s Opening Remarks We are too often hesitant about prais­ ing God. Billy Bray, the Cornish miner and evangelist, once visited a brother who was ill, and who belonged fo this

3. America’s need today is for positive Christian living. A large number of famous American statesmen, who have no particular bent for religion, have declared themselves positively on this point. Leaders in other* walks of life likewise see this need. The editors of Fortune magazine, in the January, 1940, issue, stated, “The failure of the church to teach absolute spiritual values will undermine Chris­ tian civilization.” They deplored the lack of spiritual leadership in today’s materialistic world, maintaining that in the modern church the flock is lead­ ing the shepherd. God has given us a wonderfully fruit­ ful land. Our nation’s greatest need is to recognize His sovereignty in that land, as it relates first to individuals and then to the nation. The Speakers’ Outline I. FAVOR BESTOWED BY GOD (Deut. 7:6). Though only of the nation of Israel can it be said fully, as in this passage, "The Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth,” nevertheless it is apparent to all that America has been a land highly privileged. But as we look back upon the manner in which, as a na­ tion, we hate misused our God-given power, we oan only acknowledge the justice of severe national chastisement at God’s hand. H. JOY PROMISED (Psa. 33:12; 144:15). There are at least two hundred ref­ erences to “ Joy” in the Word of God. There is promised Joy for the Individual, for the group, and for the nation. The Lord wants His people to be a happy company (John 15:11). If unhappiness prevails, somewhere God’s plain rules have been disregarded or disobeyed. For the enjoyment of inner peace, the first rule to be obeyed is the recognition of the sovereignty and leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ. One must be able to say, with Paul, continually: "LORD, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6). Discussion Material 1. Discuss tho question of prayer on behalf of national leaders (1 Tim. 2:1, 2). Do you know civil leaders who have requested divine aid? With what re­ sult? 2. How should the Christian use his ballot? 3. Cite instances of Christian teach­ ers, businessmen, eto., who have exerted a strong (though perhaps unrecognized) influence for Christ in their sphere of the nation’s life. 4. Could a great revival sweep through America in this generation? What con­ ditions woeid precede such an event as this?

forgetful class. The sick man was re­ joicing in his Saviour, and he declared, "Billy, I am so happy now that if I had the power I’d shout, ‘Glory to God.’ ” “Ah, lad,” replied Billy, “what a pity thou didst not shout ‘Glory* when thou hadst the power!” There are even more definite ways that praise may be shown than in shout­ ing “Glory.” When the Gadarene demo­ niac (Lk. 8:37-40) was delivered by the

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