October, IMO
v n K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
A New Cox BookI Lives that Oft Remind Us by Enos K. Cox of Gloster, Miss. The author of “"VSHiere is the Lord God of Elijah?” has written another volume of equal worth in which the lives of twenty O. T. char acters vividly proclaim those practical truths so greatly needed today. Mrs. Noah, an Old- Time Preacher’s W ife; Eli, a Father Who failed; and Caleb, a Puritan of the Long Ago, are some of the chapter titles of these original and up-to-date expositions. Sample chapter sent FREE on request . Attractively bound in cloth, with two-col ored jacket; 176 pages; $1.00. BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASS’N 810 B. W«!!» St. Chicago, 111.
Lord, ho Immediately expressed his thanks by wanting to follow and serve him. Then he proved his gratefulness and devotion by being willing to obey Christ’s command to stay behind and testify to bis own people. Colosslans 3:17 tells us that giving thanks to God consists In doing all (whether In word or deed) In the name of the Lord Jesus. If you will read this verse and Ephesians 5:20 in their contexts, you will find that, in both cases, they are followed by some very practical instructions as to how such thanks should be given. The Speakers’ Outline 1 THANKSGIVING IN "DEED” (Col. 3:17; Eph, 5:20 to 6:7). L By submitting to one another (Eph. 5:21; cf. 1 Pet. 5:5; Heb. 13:17). Submitting to one another brings both glory to God and defeat to the enemy. "Just before the Battle of Trafalgar, In which the gallant Nelson lost his life, he was engaged in giving Instruc tions to his officers. When he Inquired of Admiral Collingwood where his cap tain was, he was told that he and Cap tain Rotherham were not on good terms with each other. Nelson exclaimed, in tones of kind reproach: Terms! Not on good terms with each other!’ And then, sending a boat for Captain Rotherham, he led him as soon as he arrived to Collingwood. Placing their hands to gether, he pointed to the enemy’s ships, and looking them both In the face, ut tered the simple words: ‘Look, yonder Is the enemy.’ It was enough; the two officers forgot their disagreements, and fought side by side till victory crowned their heroism.” * 2. By honoring parents (Eph. 8:1-3). This does not mean that one should be obedient only as a little child. It means that all his life he should re spect and honor his father and mother. This attitude Is not popular today, but obedience here proves one’s genuine thanks to God for those who have made a home for him. 3. By obedient service (Eph. 6:5-8). Many people brag about being able to "get by with anything” with their teachers or employers. Does the Chris- *From 1000 Acts and Facts ¡by H. Pickering.
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Book Missionaries Wanted to Sell Mr«. Charte« E. Cowman’« g r e a t trio of devotional bobks: Stream« in the Desert Consolation Spring« in the Talley $1.50 each postpaid Liberal Commission ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY.PUBLISHERS 900 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif.
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on the Uniform Lessons SIMPLKr—-PRACTICAL—INSPIRING Union lesson helps and storjr papers ass Bible-centered, undenominational, easy to teach and interesting to study. Prepared especially for the small and medium size school, for all age groups. Backed by 123 years of experience. Write for free specimens. American Sunday-School Union 1818 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. J E H O V A H EXILED! Nazis ban this “Jewish God“—but 'g&o is the Christian’s “LORD?” Road a most Illuminating study of the sub ject in OCT. PROPHECY MONTHLY. Read also of new and strange ideas about anti-Christ; “Time to Proclaim Judgment"; Non - resistance under test; Terrifying din of to tian have any right to be this kind of person? Discuss this matter by giving practical illustrations of what the Chris tian may not do, If he would maintain an attitude of “thanksgiving In ‘deed.’ ” n . THANKSGIVING IN “WORD” (Isa. 63:7). There are some whose hearts are warm with gratitude toward their Maker and Redeemer, yet they find it very difficult to say anything about it. Isaiah says he will “mention the loving-kind nesses of the Lord.” There is no place where it is so easy for one to find his tongue for God as in the sympathetic, informal atmosphere of the young peo ple’s meeting. Isaiah remarks about the Lord's goodness as being bestowed upon His people In two ways: 1. “According to Ms mercies.” “Mercies” suggest forgiveness and favor shown where they are not de served. What greater example Is there of God’s mercy than the cross where Jesus Christ laid down His life that lost sinners might be brought into fel lowship with a holy God? Several who know they are saved might be called on at this point to give a brief tes timony praising the Lord for what Cal vary means to them personally. 2. “According to the multitude of his loving-kindnesses.” While God’s mercies speak of what He does for the repentant sinner, His “loving-kindnesses” are those fond ex pressions of His love which He showers upon His own children. They are spoken of as a “multitude” in number (cf. Psa. 40:5; 139:17, 18). It would be Impossible to call attention to them all In the brief time alloted to one young people’s meeting. However, let each one take stock of the definite tokens of God’s care which he has experienced during the preceding week, and let as many as possible tell their experiences. PROPHECY MONTHLY Box BB, Sta. Eagrle Bock, ' Los Angeles, Calif. | | § C ’H R i ’ S T l A N L I T E R A r y l i J y & t o f e e o A f o A n J a n • 5308 El VcranQ.A.yenue, Lps.Angeles, G^Ef0fnia,A i |||| ; •, c l - 6672§ • P R I N T I N G B O O K S , M A G A Z I N E S , C H U R C H P A P E R S , f Lowest Prices, Estimares.jGladlv Given. ‘ “
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